[Z0ey] As you play a kick ass metal solo inspired by old school pre-fall metal, a small following of gangers gathers around you to smoke some orbital hash. "Ey yo dawg that's some sick... uhhh music, yeah! Wanna blaze it up with us? This is some good shit, gets you reaaaal high, I hand grow it in a vat myself." He hands you an ecto displaying what seems to be the most jury rigged hydroponic garden you have ever seen. It's a wonder it actually works and doesn't just leak water everywhere. The bouncer and his following are clearly highly intoxicated as their bloodshot eyes and sluggish behavior seem to indicate. Their constant munching of various snacks also pointing towards a severe case of the munchies. He offers you a small block of brownish resin, it does indeed look like your average orbital hash. [1x dose of orbital hash added, time for some 420] [Zoey and Zhi] You make your way with relative ease to the room marked by Timoti. It is one of a few dozen similar rooms, most likely kept for resleeving gang members or anyone worth more than a slave. As you arrive, the hatch is locked, but a quick ping of your I.D. authorizes access. The door slides into a side panel revealing the inside: two relatively new ego bridges are placed at opposite sides of the cylindrical room. Various equipments and screens cover the walls and display information about the process. You see two morphs getting dressed and prepared: a slim exalt of indian genotype and a rugged male bouncer. Their mesh I.D. identify them respectively as Jozz Sleeman and Ruby.