Character Name: Ilyndriel "Lyn" Shadowsong Species: Night Elf Species description: Lyn is from a small, obscure community of tall elves far to the east who, for the most part keep to themselves and are generally unheard of in the rest of Eulona. Something unique about them is that arcane magic is banned by their leaders. However, druidism and holy magic are permitted and have been practiced since ancient times. The night elves, as you can imagine, tend to do their sleeping in the day, and are very protective of their forest. They are a predominantly matriarchal society, with the males normally expected to become druids unless they are unable for some reason. Like all elves, they are noble, long-lived, and proud. Night elves have a strong respect for nature and respect wild creatures. The deity of their people is the goddess of the moon. Their skin can vary in color from that of pale moonlight to deep ashen or shades of violet. Most night elves have yellow, glowing eyes. They are tall, with their bear-like warriors being quite immense and intimidating, certainly formidable matches to the strongest orcs. They tend to have thick hair of various colors, but typically green, blue, or black. Gender: Male Noteworthy Abilities / Limitations: Lyn is a priest of the moon goddess who specializes in healing and defense. Calling on his deity, he can use holy magic that is either of the domain of light or shadow. He can cast a shield on himself or others, heal wounds, dispell enchantments, and levitate. Among his offensive abilities, he has limited mind-control, which would be simmilar to mesmerizing or hypnotizing an individual. He can also assume a shadowform, which minimizes damage taken from spell or physical attacks. Fear and pain are among his shadow spells as well. Night elves also have the innate ability to phase out, becoming nearly invisable if they hold perfectly still. They call this shadowmelding. A few of them can do it very quickly, appearing to blink out of visiability for a brief second. Lyn... is fairly bad with weapons. Dear god, don't let him near explosives. Background: Ilyndriel is the "illegitimate" child of Jarod Shadowsong and Shandris Feathermoon. Jarod was a great general in the ancient war on the demons, which was barely won. It was Jarod's elder sister who was the great warrior, but she was not a leader. Jarod himself was nothing more than a bumpkin, a peon, recruited out of necessity. Yet, in the darkest hour, when all their leaders had been killed, he stepped up to organize the greatest army the world had ever seen, leading the last of his people, allies of other races, and even demigods in a single, unified push to oust the demon forces. Reluctant as he was, he saved the world from complete destruction. Shandris, was a young child at the time of the war, much too young for Jarod. It was even further taboo that they were of opposite social caste. Night elves don't get married like many other races, yet... Ilyndriel was definitely unexpected. Appearance: I can't find a great image, but imagine a mesh of these two: [img=] [img=] Lyn has light, silvery-blue skin and uniquely bright, light-blue hair that he lets "do as it will," hanging down his back. Long, knife-like ears stick out the back of his head. He's lean and fit from traveling, but he doesn't have the muscle of a fighter. He wears cloth robes, and carries a simple metal staff with a small glowing white orb in the heart of a cresent at the top. On his back is a travelling pack, with a particular box with a lock on it, wrapped in runes of every language that read, "DANGER! Do Not Open! Not Cookies!" Reason for Detainment: Not sure where we are starting Lyn off. He's a peace-loving type, probably sympathetic to the elves of Nillanor. He's a protector and a priest, and a warrior against demons and evils and the like in general.