"Of course I can heal your equine, if my hands were free." Morgan said, getting more and more frustrated that the human had bound his hands and feet together. He didn't blame the paladin though, if he wasn't himself, Morgan would have most likely done the same. He looked over at the human, and he received a glare. The kind of glare that was hard to decipher. He looked mad at himself, or mad at Morgan. "Oh gods, what did I do this time? Or....is it something that you did or didn't do? Something you forgot to do to me while I was unconscious?" Morgan asked. He was always pretty perceptive, and could tell what people were feeling just by the look in their eyes. He didn't expect to wake up, nor did he want to. But, nevertheless, Morgan was here and alive. "After I heal your steed, what happens next? I don't see you leaving me here alone bound in the middle of this forest to die." Morgan said, looking down at the muddy ground. It was still wet from the night's earlier downpour. "...You don't have to say anything, i'm just not used to anyone stopping for me, let alone not trying to kill me. Figured it would be nice enough to try and spark up some relevant conversation." Morgan explained out of the blue. "I'll shut my trap now."