[center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/Kailyn_zps0d373931.png[/img] [b][i]Codename: Shadow[/i][/b][/center] [b]RECRUIT REPORT OBSID-LAT43.LON-717 DATE - [REDACTED] RECRUITER: A. BROWN Comments Updated by A. Brown[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Power:[/b] [i]Shadow Manipulation[/i] - Subject has, by far, one of the strangest and misunderstood abilities yet. While others can be explain via scientific methods and facts, there is little explanation on how the subject (aka Shadow) is able to manipulate shadows in particular. Normally one manipulates light to change shadows, not drawing shadows themselves into the light without blocking objects. Regardless, noted below are known abilities of her new found power; • [u]Night Vision:[/u] Subject seems to have the ability to see in complete darkness, up to 120 feet, with a slight note in improved vision outside of this. Quartz injection has genetically modified subject's eyes in this case. • [u]Darkness Curtain:[/u] Subject is able to infuse the surrounding area with a sudden burst of darkness, ranging from a moonlight-like condition to complete darkness. Though the stronger the curtain, the longer subject needs to potentially charge her personal reserve of energy. • [u]Hard-Light Construction:[/u] Limited to small objects for the time-being, subject is able to (unexplainably thus far) create solidified objects from shadows. Subject has tenancy to lean towards melee-like weapons and personal body shields. These constructs are hard enough to deflect bullets, but extreme testing still needed to gauge potential limits. • [u]Shadow-Melding:[/u] One of the more mysterious abilities, subject has the ability to physically meld within shadows that are not her own, allowing her short-distance jumps from one shadow to another and in some case, turning ethereal as to avoid physical harm. Limitations are unknown. [b]Personality:[/b] Subject has shown a strong will towards a private goal that lines up with obedience to Obsidian objectives. Though unknown, this goal has obvious physiological effects of giving the subject resolve and courage. Subject is also a known introvert, though sociable and willing to work within a team environment. This could be seen as a potential set-back to team-building, but subject makes easy use of being friendly and sensitive to the feelings of others. This paired with an ethic towards efficiency and loyalty makes subject well suited as an Operative. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] Subject is a quick learner and has displayed signs of having of superior abstract intelligence, grasping complex subjects and ideas easily, though communication has proven difficult at times when trying to get ideas or plans to make sense in subject's mind. She has gained a noticeable grasp of her powers, wielding them with surprising efficiency, however noted here is her apparent weakness to light. Though in most normal conditions, she is able to grab hold of some shadows and make use of them, during conditions that require extreme lighting her effectiveness dulls quite a bit. Subject is recommended to undergo specific stealth training and tactics due to her affinity with blackout operations. [b]History:[/b] Subject Codename Shadow; Born August 3, 1989 in Denver, Colorado. Orphaned by unknown parents. Bounced through several foster homes until subject felt the need to branch out on her own. She turned to petty gangs and theft, gaining a criminal record, though a noted Robin Hood complex, despite gang demands. Avoided rape or abusive treatment within gang due to her unusual friendliness and gathered respect, along with homosexual orientation. By some unusual amount of personal strength and martial arts training, she survived the streets of Denver against outside influence including the DPD, homosexual protestors, and other gangs until the point of contact with a certain Beth Collins. Beth Collins, serving within the DPD (ironically), was able to draw subject's introverted nature and gear her towards a more lawful path. After two years and an engagement, Beth was killed in the line of duty by a drug dealer from subject's previous gang. Since the incident, she has holed herself up in an abandoned warehouse and continued to practice martial arts to an extremely dedicated degree, along with the return to theft for food. She was contacted by Obsidian to start a new life, free from the bounds of her previous life. She accepted with little hesitation, especially after the explanation of the Quartz injection. [b]Other:[/b] Subject seems unusually educated for having grown up in the streets. Has been noted that she keeps her personal goals or wants a secret, but no threat to Obsidian objectives is seen here.