Finally finished Name: Elmer J Fudd Age: 30 Birthplace: England Based on: Picture: [img][/img] Powers: Over time Elmer possessed heightened senses making him impossible to sneak past or escape his sight. Equipment: Elmer has Dorothy, his prized shotgun. Bessy is steam powered, sometime with a little extra kick in it then usual rifles. She also has a retractable sight that can slide in and out, even then Elmer can fix it to his liking so he has good sight. He also has different types of bullets, Explosive rounds and incendiary rounds, just for special occasions. Skills: Elmer is a highly skilled Hunter, with high instincts and a very good ear for little sounds and movements in his hunting grounds. He also has extremely good and increased aim, better than any other man thanks to years of training. He also is a master of sneaking and avoiding, noise, another attribute that is handy when hunting as well, making him a master hider along with that. Bio: Elmer was born in England, to a not so wealthy family. For a start they lived isolated from the rest of the world in the middle of the forest, and only his dad had a job. And that job didn't get them much. He was a hunter, hunting down animals to sell their skins and meat. Elmer admired his father like he was the best person in the world. By the age of 10, Elmer was taken on his first hunting trip. He nearly caught a rabbit, but it darted as soon as it saw him. This didn't hinder his ambition. But by 20, he had discovered a scrap yard nearby, and began to make Dorothy. Dorothy was to be his key to success. The ultimate hunting weapon, with her, he would never fail. He moved away from his house in the forest then too, to hunt all over the country. His aim increased, Dorothy became more powerful. Soon he became known for being one of the most skilled gun wielded in the world, for that he was happy. He eventually found a place to rest, a little forest outside of London, where there was plenty of his favourite hunt: Wabbits. But of course he was approached some men, men of the MI6, looking to recruit him into their team or something. Elmer saw this as the perfect opportunity to hone his hunting skill on intelligent prey, it was time to see what he could really do. Extra: Elmer has a lisp and an extreme hate for rabbits.