Placeholder/WIP [img=] [b][u]General Info and Location[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Imperial Commonwealth of Valyncian Republics [b]Capital System:[/b] Carth, Fenma System [b]Dominant Species:[/b] Valyncians [b]Sub-Factions/Species:[/b] Natural Humans, Ryugyakkans, Birrin [b][u]Politics, Power & Economy[/u][/b] [b]Head Of State:[/b] Empress Zara Severin [b]Government Type:[/b] Federated Monarchy[hider=Description]The government of the Imperial Commonwealth of Valyncian Republics is divided into two parts: the imperial government and the planetary governments. Power between the imperial government and planetary governments are constitutionally balanced, although in practice the imperial government is significantly more powerful. The planets in the Commonwealth are partially self-governing bodies and do hold some sway over the imperial government. The head of the government is a monarch. The monarch has the power to form treaties with other countries, declare war, and request that the High Council passes certain pieces of legislation. The monarch can also veto any bill passed by the High Council. Traditionally the monarch's power has only been used in foreign affairs and to veto certain pieces of legislature that had the potential to damage the morals of society. The High Council is a collection of the heads of various government departments and agencies. Members of the High Council are chosen by the monarch and ratified by the planetary parliaments. The High Council has a large number of responsibilities. Most important of these responsibilities is passing country-wide legislature and ratifying or vetoing treaties with other countries. Planets in the Imperial Commonwealth of Valyncian Republics are partially self-governed bodies. All planets in the Commonwealth have a valyncian republic as its type of government. The planetary governments are responsible for passing legislature for their specific planets. The prime ministers of all the planets collectively form a Low Council that is responsible for passing country-wide tax bills, ratifying or vetoing the monarch's selection for the High Council, and suggesting bills to the High Council. The Low Council also has the power to veto pieces of legislation passed by the High Council. [hider2=Valyncian Republic]A Valyncian republic is a form of parliamentary democracy that places more emphasis on proportional representation. The system itself is rather simple. The entirety of the planet is divided into equally populated districts with populations ranging from one to ten thousand people, depending on the planet. Multiple representatives can be elected from the same district with the requirement that the representative has at least five percent of the total votes in the district; a candidate who has less than five percent can give his votes to another candidate, potentially boosting another candidate above the cutoff or strengthening one who is already above it. At the end of the election process the representatives from each district represent a proportional number of that district's votes, which total one hundred, in parliament. For example a representative who received ten percent of the votes from his district would count as ten votes in parliament for any given piece of legislature. To control the parliament a party must control more than fifty percent of the total votes in the country. If they don't they can form a coalition with other parties to gain the total votes needed. A majority party or coalition theoretically has unlimited power in the government, however this is checked by the minority parties' ability to have a vote of no confidence, once between every normal election, which begins a new election. Other than a vote of no confidence the majority party or coalition can call for a vote at any time, so long as it is within five years of the last non-no confidence election. Potential candidates have only two months to campaign before the election is held.[/hider2][/hider] [b]Economic System/Prosperity:[/b] State Regulated Capitalism [b]Empire Size:[/b] 158 Billion Citizens (710 Billion including legal non-sentients)[hider=Population Details]138 Billion Valyncians 14 Billion Natural Humans 6 Billion Birrin 552 Billion Ryugyakkans[/hider] [b]Empire Power:[/b] Major Regional Power [b]Type Of Power:[/b] Technological, Social, Industrial[hider=Power Details]Technological: Given that the Commonwealth originally started as a scientific research colony, it should be no surprise that it grew into one of the most technologically advanced countries in the galaxy. The Commonwealth was one of the first countries to develop the ability to make its citizens biologically immortal as well as creating a new and, arguably, intelligent species from scratch. Other important technological advances involve construction processes, military technology (specifically defenses), and multimedia. Social: Commonwealth culture and media greatly affects the countries around it. Humans and nonhumans alike seem drawn to "anything Valyncian", being essentially bombarded by Commonwealth multimedia. Games, TV programs, movies, and news programs are all Commonwealth products that are enjoyed in large quantities outside of the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth has been accused of conducting cultural imperialism on many occasions; a case in point being the now defunct Republic of Cormyral, which had its culture essentially overwritten by Valyncian culture before it was absorbed into the Commonwealth. The Commonwealth's social power allows it to affect the perceptions of its own citizens as well as beings not in the Commonwealth; specifically, Commonwealth news agencies are well known and respected throughout the galaxy and are commonly viewed as the most neutral news agencies around, even though this isn't necessarily true. Industrial: Commonwealth high technology, specifically programmable matter, has revolutionized its industries. As expected of an industrial power the Commonwealth's ability to mass produce products isn't to be scoffed at; however, unlike many other industrial powers the Commonwealth has always focused more on producing quality products that have a long lifetime. A major goal of the Commonwealth's Technological-Industrial complex is the creation of goods that would last forever, such as infinite energy and machines that require no maintenance. While these goals still have yet to be achieved, the Commonwealth comes closer to achieving them every year.[/hider] [b][u]History, Biology & Society[/u][/b] [hider=Valyncian][b]Race Name:[/b] Valyncian [b]Race Info:[/b] A subspecies of humanity created through genetic engineering, Valyncians are found almost exclusively in the Commonwealth. No two Valyncians have quite the same genetic modifications, but most have been modified for space travel. This means they have better spatial awareness, reflexes, mental processing power, and resistance to radiation. While other species achieved immortality by uploading their minds into computers, or other similar processes, Valyncians turned to their genetic engineering. During sex Valyncians' bodies absorb DNA from their partners; their bodies use this DNA to repair their own damaged DNA, thus extending their lives. Because of this biological process, Valyncians' bodies do not remain at a static age, but instead go through a process of aging and rejuvenation, effectively bouncing between the "ages" of sixteen and thirty. During the rejuvenation process the body incorporates acquired DNA, thus a variety of physical changes can occur to the Valyncian. Valyncians have been observed to physically change greatly over the course of a few hundred years and have even, in a few extremely rare cases, changed sex entirely. [b]Average Lifespan:[/b] Biologically Immortal [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] Valyncians are very similar to natural humans and can, in some cases, be indistinguishable from them physically. The most obvious physical difference between a natural human and a Valyncian is hair color. The majority of Valyncians have white or silver hair. Blonde is also a fairly common hair color, though technically a Valyncian can have any color of hair, naturally occurring or otherwise. Most Valyncians tend to stand between 5'8" and 6'2" and are naturally built slim or athletically. Most Valyncians are considered more attractive than the average natural human, although differences in cultures can also be a determining factor in what is considered attractive. [b]Dominant Society:[/b] While the society and culture of the Valnycian species isn’t entirely homogeneous it certainly is close enough to make broad statements about the Valyncian ethnic group as a whole. At the forefront of the Valyncian ethnicities is the Carthinian ethnicity. When people think of Commonwealth culture or the Valyncian species they tend to specifically think of the Carthinian ethnicity; because of this, most people use the term Valyncian culture/society or High/Core Valyncian culture/society when referring to Carthinian culture/society. Valyncians culturally seem drawn to the colors white and silver and are noted for using those two colors significantly in their art. White, in their eyes, means purity, independence, fairness, and impartialness; silver means balance and stability, but can also be used to convey respect, responsibility, and patience. This is important to note as a message sent by a Valyncian written in white or silver may mean something completely different then if it were written in black, even if the written contents of the message remains the exact same. As one might guess based on the colors of white and silver, Valyncians value independence, fairness, balance/stability, respect, and patience. At one point in time the nuclear family was the most important social unit in Valyncian society. As time went on and the majority of Valyncian families became static or declined the nuclear family dropped in importance and was replaced by cliques. Cliques in Valyncian society are similar to those found in human societies, hence the same name, but differ in some important ways. In Valyncian society a clique refers to a very close knit group of Valyncians, both male and female, ranging in size from four to about twenty individuals. Commonly, but not always necessarily, the individuals making up a clique share economic, political, or philosophical views. Cliques are not a permanent body; their existence is subject to change over the years and many simply cease to exist after a few hundred years. Interestingly the trust and love shared by members of a clique is considered to be greater than that of biological families as clique members often have sex with each other with the purpose of exchanging DNA. Because of this exchange of DNA it is absolutely necessary for Valyncians to bring new members into their cliques or join other cliques in order to avoid genetic issues. Valyncians are, as a whole, very much a formal people. They prefer to dress in more formal clothes than a human in the Federation or elsewhere would dress. It is quite common for Valyncian men to dress in a full suit, or at least dress pants and a vest, and women to dress in a formal dress or a sundress. Valyncians are also quite well spoken; Valyncians love to use irony and double meanings in their insults. The highest held ideal of Valyncians is based on individualism. This is an emphasis on not only the moral worth, but also the potential of an individual. This concept is close to worshiped by Valyncians, meaning individuals who are great scientists, soldiers, and entrepreneurs are commonly household names, at least for a short time. [b]Religion:[/b] Valyncians follow a faux religion created during the later stages of the Civil War. The religion itself was created purely to act as a moral compass and help solidify the culture of the Commonwealth. The religion was built around the concept of a goddess who oversees the universe, blessing those who work hard, advancing science, art, or society in some way while passing judgment over the lazy, selfish, and ignorant. While most Valyncians, especially older ones, are truly atheists some younger Valyncians have begun to believe the Empress is the living manifestation of the goddess; some of these young Valyncians also believe the Empress’s twin sister Nicia to be a different aspect of the goddess.[/hider][hider=Natural Humans][b]Race Name:[/b] Natural Humans [b]Race Info:[/b] More or less the same as humans found anywhere else, natural humans in the Commonwealth are on the decline as they are required to have their children genetically engineered. [b]Average Lifespan:[/b] 120 [b]Dominant Society:[/b] There is no unique "human culture" in the Commonwealth. Natural humans in the Commonwealth tend to be culturally similar to Valyncians or humans from the Federation. [b]Religion: [/b] The religious beliefs of natural humans in the Commonwealth tend to mirror those of Valyncians, although natural humans are far more prone to actually believing in the religion, with about fifty percent active practitioners.[/hider][hider=Birrin][b]Race Name:[/b] [url=]Birrin[/url] [b]Race Info:[/b] The native inhabitants of the Cormyral System and once the people of the now defunct Cormyrean Republic, the birrin were the victims of cultural imperialism and subsequently absorbed into Commonwealth society. Birrin posses traits of both mammals and reptiles. They are warm blooded and are born covered with fur, however as they mature they shed their fur to reveal reptilian skin. Their language consists of a series of shrill whistles, whines, and grunts with small differences in pitch and tone having a small effect on the meaning of a 'word'. While a human is capable of understanding a majority of the native Birrin language they cannot hope to speak it and Birrin are incapable of speaking human languages. Commonly Birrin make use of a form of sign language to communicate with those who can't speak their language. [b]Average Lifespan:[/b] 240 [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] Birrin tend to stand at about 5'5" and possess six appendages that in what can serve as both hands and feet. They are born covered in fur, but as they mature their fur sheds to reveal reptilian skin. They have four eyestalks, two on the top and two on the bottom of the head. Their visible teeth are very sharp, giving them the appearance of a carnivore, however hidden towards the back of their mouths are teeth more suited to grinding plants. [b]Dominant Society:[/b] Birrin culture is very similar to that of the Valyncians, however the nuclear family is more important to them than cliques. Another difference from Valyncian culture is the fact that the Birrin commonly partake in various drugs for both recreational and ritualistic purposes. [b]Relgion:[/b] The religious beliefs of the Birrin tend to mirror those of the Valyncians, however most of them believe that the Empress and her twin sister are the physical manifestations of the goddess. The Birrin also believe that after death they will be reborn as Valyncians.[/hider][hider=Ryugyakkans][b]Race Name:[/b] [url=]Ryugyakkans[/url] [b]Race Info:[/b] Created through the Commonwealth's substantial genetic engineering technology, Ryugyakkans were designed to be the perfect servants. Towards this end Ryugyakkans have been geared towards being able to keep track of numerous things at once and can inherintly perform greater mental calculations than most humans. Ryugyakkans are capable of generating a weak electric field which they use for electrolocation and electrocommunication, which is useful only in certain environments. Most of the time Ryugyakkans rely on specialized equipment mounted around their necks to communicate with others as they lack a mouth, thus have no vocal cords. Ryugyakkans gain the nutrients they need through chemosynthesis and typically walk around in suits designed to "feed" them during the entire day. Most Ryugyakkans are physically frail and very susceptible to diseases; however, certain varieties of Ryugyakkans, specifically those created for the military, are much sturdier. Due to a variety of specifically designed neurotransmitters and hormones Ryugyakkans are quite prone to serving their creators. Serving or even just looking at a Valyncian will release neurotransmitters and hormones that affect the reward system of the brain, creating pleasure and a soothing sensation for the Ryugyakkan. In turn seeing a Valyncian harmed or distraught releases neurotransmitters and hormones that causes displeasure for the Ryugyakkan. Humans can also, to a lesser degree, trigger these responses due to their similarity to Valyncians. According to Valyncian law Ryugyakkans are considered legal non-sentients. [b]Average Lifespan:[/b] 60 [b]Physical Characteristics:[/b] Standing at five and a half feet on average, Ryugyakkans would be considered short by human standards. Their skin is very similar to humans, except the chest, where they absorb chemicals, which has an almost porous texture. Ryugyakkans are notable for their slender, frail forms and mouthless faces. Some Ryugyakkkans, specifically those used by the military, are as tall as a Valyncian. [b]Dominant Society: [/b]Ryugyakkans don't have much of a society, though if hard pressed it could be said their's is one of servitude. They exist to serve their creators and the vast majority have yet to come to terms with the fact that this may not actually be the case. Commonwealth society as a whole has, somewhat ironically, stifled any independent society they themselves might've formed otherwise. [b]Religion: [/b]Ryugyakkans are split roughly in half between being agnostic and following the Valyncians' religion. Of those that follow religion, most are almost fanatical in the belief that the Empress is a living incarnation of the goddess. They also believe that, should they serve the Empress and other Valyncians faithfully, they will be resurrected as a Valyncian in their next life.[/hider] [b][u]Military[/u][/b][hider=Army]Infantry [img=] Heavy Infantry [img=] [url=]Armstrong Infantry Fighting Vehicle[/url] [img=] Soukis AWP (Railgun Variant) [img=] Soukis AWP (Missile Variant) [img=] Firehawk Walker [img=] Hellhound Heavy Walker [img=] Basilisk Super Heavy Walker [img=] Garm Super Heavy Walker [img=] Ymir Super Heavy Tank [img=][/hider][hider=Navy][hider2=Small Craft]F1 Naga [img=] F2 Seraph [img=] F3 Balaur [img=] F4 Orochi [img=] N1 Siren [img=] R1 Ardea [img=] T1 Hercules [img=][/hider2][hider2=Escort Ships]Veracious-class Corvette [img=] Guardian-class Frigate [img=] Myrmidon-class Destroyer [img=] Thallassia-class Escort Carrier [img=] Warspite-class Light Cruiser [img=][/hider2][hider2=Capital Ships]Interdictor-class Battlecruiser [img=] Ithica-class Light Carrier [img=] Carth-class Carrier [img=][/hider2][/hider] [b][u]Technology of the Commonwealth[/u][/b][hider=Programmable Matter]Also commonly called smart matter, programmable matter can be most easily defined as matter that has the capability to change its physical properties in a programmable fashion. Depending on the specific type of programmable matter it might make these changes based on user input or detected changes in its environment. Programmable matter can range from metamaterials to claytronics. Probably the most import type of programmable matter used by the Commonwealth are claytronics, nanomachines that form together to form larger and more complex machines. Typically referred to as "smart metal", claytronics can be used to construct everything from a computer to a warship. Because of its properties large structures, such as space ships, made out of smart metal are self repairing, can change size and shape while in use, and can even split itself into smaller structures. Armor made out of smart metal would be self repairing and could react to incoming fire (such as making itself sloped or hardening itself). [/hider][hider=Space-Time Bubbles]To travel faster than the speed of light Commonwealth ships form a space-time bubble around themselves. This space-time bubble is capable of transporting anything inside of it through hyperspace. The space-time bubble itself is a self contained universe with the space-time bubble generator as its rough center, meaning that anything inside the bubble can move around normally. The ship that houses the space-time bubble generator has limited freedom of movement in the bubble. Space-time bubbles can merge or divide from each other, changing their size in the process. Ships in a merged space time bubble have far greater freedom of movement. Space-time bubbles aren't limited to space ships; communications pods and torpedoes can also house a space-time bubble generator. Because it is possible to detect a space-time bubble, with the right equipment, and merge with one roughly a third of the space battles during the Commonwealth Civil War was conducted in space-time bubbles.[/hider][hider=Holographic Matter]Holographic matter technically isn't matter; its light that has been "frozen". Specifically holographic matter is made up of photons that have been made to interact in a way that they act as though they are matter, bonding together to form molecules. The applications for holographic matter are limited purely be imagination; currently holographic matter is used by the military for defenses, but it can also be used to make temporary structures, such as bridges, or interactive screens.[/hider][hider=Anisibles]An ansible is a device capable of communication over virtually any distance with no delay whatsoever. Ansibles work in pairs and are capable of only sending and receiving from its paired unit. While this limits its possible uses by quite a bit, it also serves to make it exceedingly difficult to intercept messages sent between ansibles. While the exact details of how they function are highly classified, it is generally accepted they that use a form of quantum communication. Ansibles grant the possibility to have UCAV strikecraft that have little fear of interference or hacking, with their operators experiencing no time lag regardless of where they physically are in relation to the craft. Special forces may also find it useful in the future as a means of having instant communication access to the leadership of the Commonwealth, where ever they may be. The Imperial government uses a system of ansibles to ensure that all the planets in the Commonwealth are able to communicate with each other in a quick, efficient manner. [/hider][hider=Genetic Engineering]Genetic engineering is sort of a big deal in the Commonwealth. It was this technology and processes that lead to the development of the Valyncian sub-species as well as the creation of the Ryugyakkans as a species. Needless to say that the Commonwealth knows a thing or two about genetic engineering. [/hider][hider=Railguns]These electrically powered electromagnetic projectile launchers are the Commonwealth's main type of weapons. Because of their nature the power of a railgun can be raised or lowered to meet the operator's need, meaning that a handheld railgun can be tuned down from a deadly weapon to a kid's toy. The rounds fired by a railgun are not limited to metal slugs. Explosive rounds, nuclear rounds, torpedoes, and even space craft can be fired from a railgun. [/hider]