Onyx' sight had just barely started to clear up and the woman harassing his back was gone. He squinted his red eyes and looked at Link who stood there with a crossbow on his arm. "Hehehe what will that do against..." The bolt hit him dead in the stomach and created a gigantic explosion that sent Onyx flying backwards off his feet with such force that when he made contact with the bridge in collapsed underneath him and sent him hurling down to his demise. "A first good attack my friends!" Demoko said with a cheerful voice. "However Onyx will not go down with one quick attack." He said as he stood sword prepared while in a defensive stance. After a few intense moments of waiting the beast of a man came flying upwards from over the edge of the bridge and hovered in the air, his chest piece dented and dirtied. "I must say I understand now why you heretics have been giving Brother Thallus so much trouble. Separated you are little more than ants scattered about, however together you form a mighty fist of power, I admire that, though I will crush you like ants no matter what shape you take on!" Onyx shouted as he landed on the bridge and fired an energy beam from his spear at Sophos and Gaios. He quickly dropped down and spun his leg 360 degrees knocking Demoko off his feet, but as he came around to punch him into the ground Demoko had created a portal and teleported away from his attack. Infuriated, Onyx fired a hurricane blast from his hand at Link and Calean and Aadab.