Mina half listened to the talk around her, and there was the odd thing that annoyed her. Perhaps she was just too stressed to enjoy much, but there were certain characteristics she didn’t find nice in people. The table slowly filled and Mina sipped from the bottle as the mechanic turned up. As he took his seat she nodded to him. “Here is the one place we can all talk without raised eyebrows” she informed him. Categories and levels usually kept to their own, having their own regimes when it came to free time. If they had met in the market square in a big mass like this it would have looked suspicious. At least here, it simply looked like they were just all sat at the same table, as there were few on offer. She wanted to get this over with and then get back to her own rooms. “Alright, listen up” She said calling silence across the table, but not loud enough for the rest of the bar to stop. “I am only saying this to you all once, so you need to listen. And there is no discussing it afterwards, it is quite simple, you are in or out” she said, as they all looked to her. She cast a sly eye around and no one was paying any attention to the group, they weren’t. That was the good thing about the Social, it happened so rarely everyone was more interested in the offerings then what anyone else was doing. Mina leaned back to the table “The rumours of a haven are true” She said. “My father has found the exact co-ordinates, and has mapped the route. A scav mission is being sent out down their way tomorrow, before breakfast call… If you are in, then we will be leaving instead of the Scavs” She spoke. She watched their faces; it really was no time at all. But that was the best way to be, no word of rumour could be caught, no one could let anything slip. Mina and her father had been working on this mission for a long time, but they had had to keep it very hush hush. The haven was rumoured to be right the other side of the country, and they would need a lot of supplies. It was why she had timed it with the scav mission, their vehicles would be fully stocked and with enough fuel to get them across. They were using the largest transport available too. Her father likened them to RV’s, although Mina had never seen one. It was a heavy duty vehicle and it was for that reason she needed Mike. As the most experienced mechanic, he had full clearance to the transport and was also taught to drive, unlike the rest of them. “Tomorrow, at dawn light, the Scavs are coming to the infirmary for their inoculations” She informed them. “Instead I will be giving them a sedative. If you are coming, be at the infirmary for that time. You’ll be leaving in full scav attire so no one will know it is you until we are gone” Mina added. She took another sip from the beer before pushing the bottle aside; she really had no taste for it. “If anyone has anything that is in confiscation, then come to me at the infirmary before lights out tonight and I will see it returned. I know you all probably have a load of questions, and again, if you need them answered, then I will be at the infirmary all night. I will give you all inoc’s on our way out” She added, and she made to leave, before turning back to the group. “I would give this serious consideration before turning up. I cannot guarantee safety or safe arrival… it is going to be dangerous and we will be going out of the usual boundaries of the missions” She said shaking her head. “Just make sure, you’re ready, because we won’t be able to return, if we do… we’ll be exiled” She informed them all before getting up. Exile was being put out in the baron lands, unarmed and unaided, and no one lasted beyond a day. She gave them all one last look before she offered a kindly smile. Mina then took her leave. She went via her rooms to change back into her overalls and collect what few things she wanted to take with her. The book her mother loved, whose female lead Mina was named after. The folder which contained her and her mentors notes and treatments for ailments, if the system knew she had this she would be punished. She piled all her food supplies but she had changed her mind on taking them with her, instead she was going to take it to the 5 cabin and let the families split the lot. Mina paused as she looked down to the large bag of packaged goods and her own rucksack that contained her own clothing. It was hard to feel really sad about leaving here; Barrowside was run to such a harsh regime. But still, it had been home. She sighed and turned out the lights before leaving the apartment. The blonde went via 5 block and deposited her food, to which she received hugs and praise, and she smiled to each of them, before excusing herself and making her way across to the infirmary to relieve Evan. “Ah good… I am exhausted” Evan said as she walked in, the fluorescent lighting hurting her eyes after the darkness of outside. “You heading to the social?” She asked, placing her bag down by the desk, and taking off the jacket. “Maybe… Mr Tomen kept me busy though” Evan said, signalling the old man in the other room who was quite the hypochondriac. “I discharged him yesterday” Mina informed, running a hand over hair. “He insists he still has abdo pain… he thinks he might be infected” Evans said pulling on his own jacket. Mina rolled her eyes before shaking her head. “He’s an ex teacher turned cleaner… he’s never been outside!” She added, before Evan waved. Mina smiled, she would miss him, but she was safe in the knowledge that she had taught him all she knew. Mina looked back to the desk and saw the inoc’s in the box with the needles in sterilization. Of course there was no inoculations against the infections, but there were booster jabs to help. Most people had never been outside so their bodies had built up little by the way of immune system. Only Scavs and the system security were normally given these jabs, much to Mina’s annoyance. She sighed and went to check on Mr Tomen.