Suddenly, Fuaad snatches Shirley's dagger, something she seem not to be very fond of judging from her sudden change of facial expression. "Hey! Give that back!" she hisses at him, snatching the knife back violently but surprisingly enough with a great deal of ... Well, let's just say her hands seem very used to this knife, even though it seems barely used. "I'm not taking your pipe. Too clunky for me." she says angrily at him when he tries to offer her his weapon. "And don't you dare insult my knife." It was obvious the knife was precious to her. "Look, Jonathan and the others told me time and again that knifes wont do anything if a beast would attack, and probably not much more if hostile survivors come to raid us, I've heard it all before." she says after a moment of silence, this time a serious and calm tone to it. "You just... Need to trust me, okay?" Looking into Fuaad's eyes, shirley hoped she could convince him to lay off the subject. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll add whatever blunt weapon we may find on our way to my inventory." she adds as a last comment. Hopefully Fuaad would be ok with this. She glances shortly at Jake, then turns around. "We need to leave, you ready?" Fuaad asks her, and she nods. "Yeah... Let's go." Leaving the station of Hoxton behind, the trio journey into the tunnels once again. Another hour of silence pass, but their destination is nowhere to be seen just yet. There will probably be another hour. "Hey..." Shirley said suddenly. "Someone mentioned earlier... Didn't the orange line use to be partially on ground level?" she asked, which is correct. Currently they were in a tunnel underground, but this line actually used to be named the "London Overground", ironically enough. Around 2030, when neo-London began to spring up from the foundations of the old London, many parts of the subway-lines were reconstructed and refitted for better use. The London Overground retained it's name even after having been burried with what would then become the foundations of new, modern building complexes and so on. By 2075, there were no longer any subways that went up on ground-level, instead all stations had an upper floor where the passengers could reach the overground by stairs, escalator or elevator. Most of the upper floors have collapsed by now however, and since there were no longer any overground tramways, the London underground became very ideal for survivors to flee the horrors of the surface... But the beasts had thought the same. Of course, Shirley didn't know all this. This all happened way before her time, but the map she had was old, very old. Probably from 2050 or so, which was almost 200 years ago. Once you've had journeyed a bit through the underground, you would probably know this however. Anyone who uses the old maps have probably been told how the London Overground line goes underground, an ironic little joke that passed on through generations.