So, like i said i currently have no cpu available, but i do have ideas and decided to post this rough outline of a cs. Disregard errors as i cant be bothered to write properly on a bloody tablet. Sorry. Name: Aloisio Magalhaes Age: 43 Gender: Male Birthplace: Porto Religious Affiliation: Catholic Secular Affiliation: A merchants guild (undecided), the Portuguese crown and an as of yet unnamed criminal faction. Level of education: High in regards to his trade, average otherwise. Social status: Reputable burgher. Occupation: Travelling merchant and spy. Appearance: A bit overweight, naturally unattractive but impeccably dressed and groomed. Personality: Cunning, conniving and selfish. Skill set: Well trained and experienced in the arts of espionage. Especially information gathering and networking. Sees straight through people, generally spotting lies and deception with ease. Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French, English, Arabic. Bio: Notes: