[i]Experiment 3, subject 2, day 7. A Manakete's primary strength, as most know, comes from their connection to the Dragonstone, an odd but mystic item that, much like the Taguel's Beaststone, can release a Manakete's sealed power and return them to their draconic form. I have therefore chosen to focus the efforts of my experiments on manipulating that connection. If I am able to influence the connection, it could be possible to influence the Manaketes themselves. To that end, I have, through various means, acquired five test subjects of varying age and strength (all of whom are being held separately and away from their Dragonstones) and am currently holding them in the manor. This experiment has become a very difficult one, as the difficulty in acquiring even one Manakete in today's times requires that I not kill any of my test subjects. I have plenty of soldiers under my command to aid me in this, but I am only able to draw upon a certain amount without arousing suspicion. It has been a slow, painstaking process to attempt to force my will upon them without unintentionally killing them, but at least a few positive results have been made because of it. Their resistance has begun to falter. if nothing else, when I attempt to give them commands. Unfortunately, they seem to be obeying me not because I can control them, but because they fear being tortured any further. Still, even this can be considered progress; if I am able to break their will, usurping it entirely should become that much simpler a task. --Commander Zayn, Grimleal First Division Commander[/i] Zayn allowed the ink a moment to dry, then closed his research log. His experiments were secret to all but a few; even the King was unaware of what he was up to, and of the few that knew of the experiments, only he knew of their true purpose. Naturally, it was "all for the sake of Grima", which had granted him all the excuses he needed. Unfortunately, his position demanded other responsibilities as well. Specifically, as Grimleal's lead Tactician, it was his job to lead and prepare their forces to handle any situation that might threaten their goals. And currently, one such threat was heading to the capital of Ylisse: the Sacred Blades. The Sacred Blades. Zayn frowned bitterly at the thought of them. They called themselves "defenders of the innocent", but when his parents had been murdered, where had those so-called defenders been? Still, the Grimleal did not take the group lightly: they had made that same mistake with the Shepherds in ages past, and those mistakes would not be repeated again. It didn't matter to Zayn, though; once Grima was revived, they would all suffer the same fate eventually. In the meantime, he enjoyed the chance to test his tactical abilities. Hopefully the Blades would provide a good challenge.