[CENTER][B]Amazonia Imperii[/CENTER][/B] ---- If pressed for an answer Traxilus would describe his voyage from the Capital to the Amazons as peaceful, or even enjoyable. It was perhaps the first time in a long time that he had felt so at ease. The recent flux in Blades recruit had put him in a slight sense of nausea, and he hadn't been able to relax much because of it. However as fate would see fit to make their boat ride here a calm one, the gentle rocking of the ship had him lulled into a more relaxed state of mind. This in turn proved to be an extremely positive thing as they entered the camp, amd Trax saw him again. Of course he had known that Florence was still an acting General in the Empress' Legion, but the sight of him brought to boil the memories of 10'000 years of civil war and the countless defeats he'd suffered because of it. There was little else he could think of doing than ending the man's life, and his hand now rested more firmly on the handle of his sword. Of course he kept his composure as best as he could. This was afterall a missiom that might serve to benefit Renalta, and the Imperium by extension. He tried his best to focus on the words of the queen, but his mind still wandered to back when these woods were well and truly Imperium lands, he was almost certain he'd been here before in fact. He shook his head as Alex finished speaking and walked off to make pleasantries with other diplomats. That was when the Count decided to make his departure from their party as well. The man was lithe. Almost womanly in his features and mannerisms, but had something about him that Trax couldn't place. If there was one to thing to be said of Richelieu, it was that he screamed nobility. He reeked of it. In essense the Count was everything that Trax wanted to escape by joining the Military. Not that there was anything wrong with being nobility. In fact it most assuredly had its benefits in the following events and Traxilus was willing to watch the man's back if no one else would. However that was not a life he wanted for himself. As Garren stepped forward to volunteer his hand in the negotiations, a familiar queasiness overcame him. Of course he still remembered this General as well. There were some that came out of those caverns who had gone in very different men, and Traxilus had high hopes Garren was one of them. He could still vividly remember the conquering Legion returning from the Mage's guild slick with blood, and shortly there after the distance he kept from Florence. So long as the man stayed true to the mission though, Traxilus could put such things behind him. The final member of their posse was the goblin Kraithe. The only previous exposure Traxilus had of the goblin was the ship ride and brief introduction in the capital. He seemed capable in his abilities and he seemed perhaps best suited to handle the cloak and dagger of this assignment. When asked to act as his shadow he was relieved to hear he'd have anything at all to do. Wordlessly he followed slowly behind Kraithe, focusing on nothing in particular, but taking in details that may be used later in the event of a fight or that might be used against them: where the armories were, proximity of tents to fire and each other, how protected the members of the negotiations were, and whether the guards and soldiers seemed well trained to list a few. All things his mentor would have wanted him to note, but still he never let himself be drawn too far away from Kraithe's path.