-"Well who am I to question you, of course the heroine knows the best! But at least stay behind us in that case, wouldn't want that precious dagger of yours to get bloody now wouldn't we? We need to leave, you ready?" -"Yeah... Let's go." Fuaad sighed and took the lead next to Jake. -"You know what my father used to told me Jake? Women are the incarnation of obstinance. My mother was obstinate, my grandmother was obstinate, my girlfriend was obstinate and so was my wife. Now we get to deal with another obstinate woman! It doesn't matter if it's the end or the world or the happiest day of their life, they know best and nothing else. You feel me Jake?" Fuaad looked at his companion, receiving no answer as usual. "If I made you laugh, would that win me the game? 'Cause making you laugh, or speak for that matter, is harder than riding one of those creatures with your hands tied behind your back." A very eventless hour went by. -"Hey... Someone mentioned earlier... Didnt the orange line use to be partially on ground level?" Shirly broke the very uncomfortable silence. -"You are right, my ancestors used to travel with that line. But the tunnels crumbled and a new tunnels were made, so it's safe. But keep your eyes open, we might find some plant life if you are lucky!" [i]I would kill to feel grass under my bare feet. It would be glorious.[/i]