[quote]"Scott, make sure your AT has HEDP for structures AND vehicles,"[/quote] Scott nodded. He'd been sure to load up the maximum variety of rounds for the mission, with a favourable bias towards AP round, but there was enough HE to make anything think twice about crossing with them. He picked up the pace on the heels of Jan and the others, double-timing in their wake. The ridgeline came and went under their boots, and then Jan was directing them to shoot at the hostile contacts that had loomed up seemingly out of the landscape. He threw himself down and aside into cover behind a low outcropping. Propping himself up on his elbows, he pulled the MP5 tight into his shoulder, and sighted through the red-dot atop the received. Grimacing, he pulled the trigger twice smoothly, the H&K Subgun coughed out a pair of rounds into center mass on the enemy target nearest to the group, red flowers blossoming into life on his clothing as he jerkily dropped into a crumpled heap. He moved to shift targets, but even as he did, he didn't expect to find one; the rest of the group were adamant professionals enough that the tangoes would likely all be down before he could blink fast enough.