"They're gone... thank goodness." Sabuit raised her head from her reading and watched as the two figures who had been rather... distracting to her enjoyment of the book disappeared from down the hill. She had paid no attention to them in the hope that they would grow bored and leave her be - a tactic that had apparently worked as well as Sabuit had hoped, for the Dunmer and the Breton had evidently grown bored of bothering her (whilst she was reading too, how uncouth and uncultured of them) and sauntered off in search, perhaps of some other people to pester. Sabuit smiled, almost in victory, as the two figures disappeared from sight and returned to her reading. However, there were many matters still troubling her. For one, there was still that damnable Khajiit. Then, there was what her sister Aurelia would call a 'what on earth am I doing crisis' - she had been on the road for some 2 years, give or take a few days, and she had neither seen nor heard from her family in Blacklight, but she had also no stable future for herself, particularly employment-wise. In the past, Sabi had been able to scrape together a few septims here and there, more than enough to get by day to day, but life on the move was tough, and Sabuit was feeling the effects of it - she had fallen ill a few weeks before with a mysterious cough that was difficult to shake off - what it was she didn't know - and her fragile health was beginning to suffer in general. She was more susceptible to colds and other minor illnesses than usual, she was growing tired more frequently and with greater rapidity. It was as if her body was protesting vehemently against her constant travelling, and Sabuit could hardly blame it - the thrill of the travel had worn off long ago, and Sabuit was now just drifting aimlessly by life. Maybe it would have been in her interests to go home after all. She had considered it after a particularly difficult experience in Cyrodiil but she had decided against it; after all, why turn back now, when the world had so much more to offer, she thought at the time. Now, though, in a pirate town in Elsweyr, she bitterly regretted not taking such a course of action. It was the sensible thing to do at the time. She sighed heavily and closed the book up, replacing the bookmark with the usual care as she did so. That really was the question on her mind. What [i]was[/i] she going to do? What could she do? Who would want to employ some Dark Elf with some skill with a bow, when they could employ a Bosmer for the same role? There was nothing that she could do that no-one else couldn't do, after all. She watched the harbour with some interest - in the far distance, she saw a ship that was under... maintenance or refitting, she couldn't tell which at this distance. However, she could tell that the ship was undergoing some heavy work, which more leaned towards the latter than the former. Sabi had seen shipyards at work before on her travels, constructing boats and ships of all shapes and sizes, but she had little knowledge of actual ship construction. Not that it mattered, anyway, she wasn't all that interested in shipbuilding, although life at sea, from the stories of her brother-in-law Haldor, was both exhilarating and yet mind-numbingly dull at the same time, as well as full of hard work. Sabi was used to a hard grind, but perhaps not to the extent of a ship's crewman, she thought to herself... It still left the question of what the hell to do. There was one thing that was on her mind right now. For the first time in her life, Sabuit wanted to drink her sorrows away.