[hider=Dan Evary] [center][img=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSrn9hqQf8G87V-8-yKzTHbHyzoL43McBsUlcCfTkL0D00UnVm5aQ][/center] [center][u]Name[/u] Dan Evary[/center] [center][u]Age[/u] 19[/center] [center][u]Personality[/u] Dan is quiet, and doesn't like to speak much. He thinks about things alot and will try and look closely. He doesn't normally give off much emotion, besides frustration, nervousness, or anger, which are visible when he feels them. He'll speak when necessary and is fairly smart, putting things together in his head when he sees them. He's not really connected to social media or social events, and prefers just talking face-to-face without being in a crowd. He has Enochlophobia, fear of crowds, so he tends to stay away from them and be either left alone or hang out with friends away from other people. Because of this, he has trouble meeting new people and making friends, but the ones he does have normally connect with him really well, because when he's not in a crowd, but in an empty place with friend(s), he can enjoy talking and sharing emotions. In summary, he likes puzzle video games, friends, open places, and thought. He dislikes crowds and public places.[/center] [center][u]Statement[/u] Relashionship: "I never met her. I saw her a few times in the public library and across the street, but we never talked or met." Alibi: "I was out with one of my friends. There was a nearby field, and we were talking." Motive: "I never met her, nor have I ever been to the University. I don't go near other people much, let alone murder them."[/center][/hider]