[center] [img=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/221/e/c/sea_monster_by_JimHatama.jpg] [i]Be wary of the Creatures of the Deep, those vast leviathans of the waves and stars; for you cannot hope to understand, anticipate or predict them. They are too fractured to foretell the actions of, too smart to give you the chance. We have see them build for us and save us, yet we have also seen their shadows cast upon the dirt as they came once again to destroy us. Be wary of the Creatures of the Deep. -Chancellor Ektoh'ta El'forh'kaht, Governor of the now-dead city of Ortas IV, Ortas System. [/i] [b]Name[/b] [img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/NEWDEEP_zps4135aecb.png] [i](Cephalrrior’s Deep)[/i] [b]Capital System[/b] [img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/NEWARVIORIS_zpsc42e8ab9.png] [i](Arvioris)[/i] [b]Dominant Species[/b] [img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/NEWCEPHALRRIOR_zps16b9fa16.png] [i](Cephalrrior)[/i] [b]Sub-Factions/Species[/b] N/A [b]Direction From Galactic Core[/b] 65,000 LY 180° of Galactic Center [i][b]Politics, Power & Economy[/b][/i] [b]Government and Culture[/b] Cephalrrior society is fundamentally different from those observed in humanoid cultures, with a vast subset of rules and makeshift laws that differentiate themselves from the moral codes set out by more conventional nations. First and foremost, the Cephalrrior have no leader, formal or not, and do not assign any such individual to that sort of role. This may be because Cephalrrior society does not allow for large groups to come together into large communities like other races. In fact, post mortem examinations of rare Cephalrrior corpses found beyond the Aquasphere have shown that they are biologically incapable of holding such communes as their Dunbar’s Horizon is significantly more restricted than those of Humans and their like. This means that there are groups of 10 (ten) to 15 (fifteen) Cephalrrior in each community (or Cephaol) who operate completely independently from other Cephaols. Such communities are brought together through various factors. Common factors include familial ties and common intrigue and interest. This means it is not unusual to find certain Cephaols who are incredible warlike and aggressive, while others will be dedicated to creation and learning. The Cephalrrior are an extremely diverse race, and do not all share a single philosophy, as they are in no way hive-minded or quasi-hive minded. They are extraordinarily individual, and the personalities of each Cephalrrior are incredible diverse. Each Cephaol will claim it’s own area of ocean within their home world, and may choose to expand on their own terms, almost acting as a small nation of it’s own. Disputes between Cephaols are settled through combat or intellectual games, depending on those involved. It is not common for Cephalrrior to engage in diplomacy with other races that does not directly involve intellectual property, but it is known for some extremely territorial and conquesting Cephalrrior to attempt (and usually successfully) dominate planets of other nations with surprising ease. Over the generations, the Cephalrrior have become a form of guiding species to others in the galaxy; imparting wisdom to races who seek council from their vast experience and intellectual capacity. At least, some Cephaols will impart their knowledge… Others simply wish to kill those who come too close. It would be unwise to summarise the Cephalrrior as one generalist socio-economic power, as they are about as diverse as they come. It is this unpredictability that allows them to remain so enigmatic, yet so respected and feared among the galactic community, as even in their small communities, their impact can be massive. The Cephalrrior will rarely even consider cooperation on a large scale. The only situations that would enact such a gathering of Cephalrrior would be potential threats to Arvioris and the Aquasphere. This makes the home system of these giant beasts one of the most potentially safe and secure locations in the galaxy; even the largest, most determined attacking force would tremble at the prospect of a Cephalrrior swarm, let alone the sheer awe inspired by the spectacle of tens of thousands of Titanopods tearing into the heart of the assailers. It is worth noting that while not all Cephalrrior partake in spiritual development and believe in an 'essence' of life and existence, a large majority of them do. This fractured globalised spiritualism is often referred to as the 'Music of the Stars' or 'Rhythm of the Waves' depending on the Cephalrrior and the translation. It is believed that this code of spiritual conduct is named as such for the belief that life and consciousness is, in essence, directly linked to the same basic principles of a dance, or of a composition of music; and that all life is part of a grand cosmic harmony, of which all things stem and grow. [b]Economic System/Prosperity [/b] The Cephalrrior’s Deep, in general, takes a great deal of pride in the uniqueness of their species and their standing in the galactic theatre. The circumstances of their habitat and strange biology makes them capable of many feats and exploits and exports that other species simply cannot hope to match. Due to the extreme size that some Cephalrrior achieve, they are often drafted in as master builders for galactic superstructures of other races, utilising their incredible mental capacity, size, and biologically dexterous nature (they far exceed the capabilities of any construction drone) to complete such projects to a much higher standard than would be otherwise possible. The Cephalrrior are also fantastic explorers and miners, able to extract extremely rare materials from the remotest of asteroids or planets, in the most inhospitable environments imaginable with relative ease. For this reason, many Cephaols are contracted by other nations to exhibit their many talents. As the Cephalrrior do not act as a single, solid nation, and their use for galactic fiat currency is negligible, Cephaols will often work in exchange for knowledge, favours or simple exchange of technology and research. This is done so that each Cephaol may advance it’s own knowledge and move on to greater projects. The demand for Cephaol aid is often huge, especially in times of economic depression and strife, where their aid can mean the difference between the prosperity or failure of an entire world. [i][b]Empire Size: (Population estimate)[/b][/i] 300,000-1,000,000 [i][b]Empire Power:[/b][/i] Interstellar Power – Branched into at least one other system and successfully settled [i][b]Type Of Power:[/b][/i] Scientific Economic Exploratory Military [i][b]History, Biology & Society[/b][/i] [b]Race Name[/b] Cephalrrior [/center] [center][b]Race Info [/b] The Cephalrrior’s Deep is comprised of 100% Cephalrrior. The unique conditions of their living space makes it nearly impossible to co-habit with other species. They are one of the most physiologically alien spices (when compared to Human and/or humanoid races) in the galaxy, certainly the most alien (With the exception of the Stoor) species to be capable of space travel and interaction with other sentient species. The average Cephalrrior can live up to 10,000 (ten thousand) years given optimal conditions and no external factors such as illness or trauma are introduced, and for this reason can grow to incredible size. The largest Cephalrrior phase, the Titanopods, exhibit negligible senessance and, in theory, live without limit set by their age. However, only a small percentage of individuals will live long enough to proceed into the Titanopod phase. It is worth noting that all Cephalrrior are oceanic beings, living in the liquid oceans of their colonised worlds. Possessing 8 (eight) pairs of powerful tentacles and slender, cartilage-lined bodies, the Cephalrrior are extremely unusual, yet highly intelligent creatures. (Note: Even the dullest Cephalrrior is supposedly supposed to be able to cap a relativistic IQ of 4,000. Whether this is because of their massive brains that grow in accordance with their bodies, or due to some other unknown factor, is yet to be determined. However it is a generally accepted fact that the Cephalrrior are the most individually intelligent and analytically capable species in recorded history. Their minds are able to process information at speeds of over 2.56 Quadrillion calculations per second, with even more neurone activating every tenth of a second; they are more capable than the most powerful standardised supercomputers.) Due to their extreme growth potential and living conditions, the average lifecycle of a Cephalrrior is divided into 4 (four) stages, each with it’s own distinctive situational circumstances and outward appearance and traits. [/center] --- [img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/NEWPOLYP_zps6debfee2.png] - [i]Polyp[/i] The Polyp stage is often referred to as the ‘baby stage’, and is the first of the Cephalrrior lifecycle. The Cephalrrior polyp is produced through the sexual interaction of 4 (four) sexually mature Cephalrrior, whereupon spores from each partaking individual divide DNA amongst themselves and reassemble into a spore-pod. This pod will find it’s way to any nearby suitable surface and attach itself, beginning the process of self-parthenogensis to produce a cloud of polyp-stage Cephalrrior. Cephalrrior at this stage are microscopically tiny, averaging just a few micrometers across, and having next to no capacity for intelligent thought. They simply wander the ocean currents, collecting nutrients from any source passing nearby. They grow quickly, leaving the polyp stage in roughly 3-4 weeks. --- [img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/NEWMEDU_zps28b7bb3c.png] - [i]Medusaeus[/i] Once the Polyp stage has been ‘completed’, the Cephalrrior enters what is known as the Medusaeus stage, which is a form of transitional period between childhood and maturity for the Cephalrrior. During the stage the Cephalrrior begins cognitive development alongside it’s rapid physical growth, and it is experiences here that shape the personality of the Cephalrrior later on in it’s lifecycle. The Medusaeus stage can last anywhere between 1,000 to 1,500 years, and the Cephalrrior during this stage can reach anywhere from 1m (one metre) in length to 15m (fifteen metres). [hider=Medusaeus][img=http://www.igorstshirts.com/blog/conceptships/2012/ling_xiang/ling_xiang_07.jpg][/hider] --- [img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/NEWCEPHALION_zps41901f70.png] - [i]Cephalion[/i] Cephalrrior in this stage are perhaps the most well known to other species, as this is the main stage of the life cycle and when sexual maturity is reached. Cephalrriors in the Cephalion stage become truly awesome creatures, and can range from 30m (thirty metres) in length to a colossal 100m (one hundred metres). The brain of the Cephalrrior is considered fully developed at this point and has incredible raw processing power, analytical, and lateral thinking capabilities, as well as immense physical strength due to it’s size. However, the Cephalrrior is still biologically restricted to the water, though such limitations can be transcended with technology. Most Cephalrriors will die during this phase. Few Cephalrrior survive to the following stage. The Cephalion stage lasts roughly 9,000 years in most cases. [hider=Cephalion][img=http://havoc20.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/kraken62.jpg] [img=http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/081/a/b/Sea_monster_by_artozi.jpg] [/hider] --- [img=http://i1298.photobucket.com/albums/ag58/Silux45/NEWTITANOPOD_zps21119ae1.png] - [i]Titanopod[/i] A rare and terrifying form of Cephalrrior is the Titanopod. This stage is only entered by particularly imposing Cephalrriors who are able to survive longer than their brethren. The Titanopod continues to grow unrestricted, and certain individuals have reportedly been seen at lengths of over a kilometre long, though undoubtedly larger such Cephalrrior exist. Theoretically, the largest Titanopod would be able to reach lengths of up to 10km (ten kilometres) though such theories are unproven at this time. [hider=Titanopod][img=http://www.this-is-cool.co.uk/wp-content/gallery/francesco-lorenzetti/francesco-lorenzetti-alien-kraken-artist.jpg] [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/066/1/a/Sea_monster_No_1_by_tiger1313.jpg][/hider] --- [center] The highly intelligent and physically dominating species is only ever interacted with by other races when they don their specially crafted vessels: vast, advanced exoskeletons built to accommodate their truly monstrous forms. These exoskeletons, or Cephlonars, are built to allow the Cephalrrior to survive inside, even out of water, and are so effective that they are also the means by which each individual Cephalrrior can travel in space. Cephlonar design varies, but in general, they are reminiscent of giant mechanical spiders that move with the fluidity of such a biological counterpart. These exoskeletons are built to interface specifically with it’s owner, and can come with all sorts of enhancements. Through the Cephlonar, the Cephalrrior travel the systems, visit other races and do battle on land, space and air. Specific exoskeletons will often serve a specific role in a combat situation, though any Cephalrrior is capable of using it’s Cephlonar to great destructive effect if needed. When it comes to space combat, Cephalions will serve as the backbone of a fleet, swarming at foes with great speed and agility, and tearing them apart with powerful appendages, all the while Titanopods serve as the capital ships: while still agile and more mobile than any normal craft of equivalent size, they are often seen with great weapons fitted to their Cephlonars, unleashing a torrent of fire upon their enemies. [b]Moral Values[/b] As has been mentioned previously, the moral values of every Cephalrrior cannot be summed up. They are incredibly diverse, each with different values and morals. Generalising the population to one single ideology does them no justice and is not representative of their society. Each Cephaol is formed on different morals and views: some respect power, but live to wage war, some attain immeasurable joy from acting as builders and miners, some exist simply to provide counsel to the younger races of the Galaxy in their struggles. Cephalrrior are, at the very basis of their identity, complex. Their myriad of goals and dreams reflect this disparity between communities. [b]History[/b] The Cephalrrior have turbulent past. They once lived in a way that could easily be extrapolated to be similar to the lifestyles of Humans and their ilk. Their societies were dominated by corporate foundations and capitalist movements, every action and decision made in order to further the financial advancement of a tiny minority of individuals. This lifestyle was somewhat more volatile than it has been in Human history for a number of reasons. The most commonly accepted cause was the biological inability for the Cephalrrior to function in large societies. They evolved as highly independent creatures that hold small social circles as their size and ferocity kept them above the food chain during their evolutionary period. The only threat to a Cephalrrior during this time was another Cephalrrior. After a time, different activist groups had made it their mission to disrupt the flawed society presented by the ruling minority; leading to disputes and demonstrations that quickly turned bloody after a number of years. The conflict eventually escalated, and the Cephalrrior split into two main groups, known as the First Cephaol and the Freedom Cephaol. These two factions clashed in all out war for thousands of years, some years more intense than others. However, over many millennia (The Cephalrrior are an incredibly old species) the Cephaols began to split and expand, not unlike the mitosis of cells. The two Cephaols split into four, each with different means and goals. The four them split into eight, then sixteen, then thirty two. This process accelerated exponentially, and within several centuries, there were over One Hundred and Twenty Thousand Cephaols. These are the Cephalrrior groups that exist today. The conflict never officially ceased, but as their species matured and their societies split, the tension between groups faded as each developed their own ways of life that best suited them, and not the grasps of a larger society. [b]Technological Overview[/b] --- Cephlarrior Cephlonar Technology --- Perhaps the most important aspect of Cephalrrior technology is the Cephlonar: the vast exoskeleton frames that the Cephalrrior construct for themselves in order to escape their oceanic confines and explore the galaxy. Each Cephlonar is different, built by the owner Cephalrrior, and as a result, each has it's own set of utilities and functions. As a Cephalrrior grows and ages, it will extend and modify it's Cephlonar in order to accommodate it's growing size. Despite the vast differences in Cephlonars, all of them serve a few universal functions, namely: -Survival outside of water, and survival on land, in air, in space, and underground. -Each Cephlonar also serves as a mechanical vessel capable of high-stress mining of asteroids. -Cephlonars are designed specifically to grant the Cephalrrior flight, or at least an illusion of flight. This is more accurately described as an anti-gravity effect when under atmospheric conditions (the energy required to allow creatures as huge as the Cephalrrior flight would be immeasurable), utilising an ingenious mixture of repulsor and gravitational dampening technology. This allows most Cephalrrior to achieve orbit given enough starting momentum, or to travel with enough speed once airborne to remain in flight as long as the reactor within the Cephalonar holds. This is also how Cephalrrior move in space when STL speeds are required. -FTL capabilities are also included in Cephlonars, though the function is not easily accessed by a Cephalrrior on it's own. Special bio-disruptive amplifiers built in to each and every Cephlonar can interface and connect with others in a Cephaol. These unusual devices utilise the immense brainpower and bioelectrical impulse rate of the Cephalrrior mind, in conjunction with the input of other Cephalrrior in the area to disrupt space-time for a moment or two, creating a traversable wormhole to any point in the galaxy they wish to arrive. In fact, the notion that this phenomena can be called a wormhole at all is laughable. Quantum research has revealed that while the function of Cephalrrior FTL is similar to that of gravity-induced space-time warps, these 'wormholes' are actually quantum entanglement portals. The energy exerted through the combined thought of the Cephaol, forces an entanglement zone which connects to any other region of space that is desired. The Cephalrrior are destroyed and reassembled instantaneously in their new position without hindrance, before the portal closes, leaving behind the space of 'then'. -Each Cephlonar is built to accommodate special biochemical reactors that power the functions of the technology contained within. This reactor scales in output with the metabolism and bodily function of it's host being, reassembling the emitted radiation and electrical signals and quantum-fusing them for massive bursts of energy. -The Cephlonars are all built to deal with any situation that may arise - this includes, regrettably, combat. Cephlonar armour is legendarily strong and hard to pierce. The frame itself is created from an incredibly resilient natural alloy that only occurs within the Arvioris system, under the deepest oceans of the Cephalrrior worlds. It is currently the only recorded region in the galaxy that this mysterious material can be mined; and it's effects are obvious. With the ability to repel all but the most focused of assaults, the Cephlonars do a fantastic job of protecting their hosts with mere physical dampening; but they also utilise copious amounts of energy to project a pyshco-energetic field around points of high stress impacts, nullifying energy blasts and projectile strikes around areas that are under the most threat from enemy fire. This results in a Cephlonar shell that distributes physical connection impacts with hyper-efficiency, and an energy field alternative that filters, dampens and absorbs energetic weapons fire and radiation-directed attacks. -The ability to fight back is also a regrettable function of a Cephlonar. Cephalrrior weaponry is truly terrifying to behold should you ever anger one of these peaceful giants into violence (or should you be unlucky enough to encounter one of the warlike Cephaols). Beyond razor sharp, powerful, ionic cutting limbs which can be used to smash, grab, cut, slice or pierce with the incredible strength of the Cephalrrior, Cephlonars also, more often than not, have access to Avinesars and Sion-astratic launchers. The latter releases a cloud of flying drones (that are each controlled individually by the Cephalrrior); each drone is not only capable of rapidly discharging shots of plasma at their targets, but are also powerful explosives themselves, and a convergence of them on a single point can often spell doom for the unfortunate target. The former weapon, the Avinesars, are mysterious, sinister weapons. They are partially bioelectrically powered, and partially psyhcokinetic. Each discharge of this device unleashes a burning stream of energetic quantum matter, disturbing the very fabric of space along the firing path. The effect is devastating. Although it only affects a small area, it can pierce nearly any material with ease. This form of attack is usually used to incinerate single men, or to attack vulnerabilities in ships where a precise blow needs to be dealt. However, what makes the Avinesars truly dangerous is the capability to be amplified through the combined effort of multiple Cephalrrior. Should an entire Cephaol of fifteen individuals focus their mental energy, a single Avinesar can produce a quantum beam wide enough and powerful enough to, for example, create a hole in an Earth sized planet that would reach to it's core. -Some Warike Cephaols have even developed even stranger weapons to aid in their conquests. Such armaments include Quantum Torpedoes, Psychokinetic Mass Accelerators, and the Deconstructing Entangling Harmoniser. -The Cephlarrior are deadly in combat. They are fast, powerful and very hard to kill. Their main advantage, though, is planetary combat or aerial combat, as at this scale very few vehicles are capable of out-gunning, out-sizing, or out-manouvering them. They can take the role of massive harbingers of doom from the sky, or titanic walking beasts prowling the surface, destroying everything in their path. --- Cephlarrior Biological and Pyschic Abilities --- However, there are some other abilities possessed by the Cephalrrior that are not necessarily included within the technological shell of the Cephlonars; namely minor psychic sensitivity and ability. (Though abilities stemming from the biology of the Cephlarrior themselves are also present). Like a lot of aspects of the Cephlarrior, this ability intensifies with the age and size of the Cephlarrior in question, scaling proportionally with brain size and mass. Such abilities include, but are not theoretically limited to: -Quantum Field Senstivity allows Cephlarrior to forgo scanning technology. They are instead able to rely on their own innate sense of the quantum world and disturbances within. This can be used like a sonar pulse or a simple 'sixth sense', allowing the Cephlarrior to react to, discover, and assess nearly any situation they encounter. -Bioelectrical Discharges from the hyperactive brain of the Cephlarrior are useful in all sorts of applications. This electrical impulse can be directed or not, allowing the Cephlarrior to unleash an extremely high-voltage burst into the area (acting like an EMP, and frying smaller biologicals in the area), or to charge their tentacles with this massive voltage. The latter application is useful in construction and science, allowing them to power experiments and constructs with nothing but a touch; though some warlike Cephaols have used this to amplify the destructive power of their already fearsome limbs. -Cephlarrior can see in nearly every spectrum of light, as well as possessing sensory organs that allow them to trace electrical signals and other energetic phenomena. This makes it very easy for them to peer into technology and structures to assess weak-points in order to fix or destroy. They are also capable of using this to track communications and to peer through otherwise visually obscuring objects. -The Psionic capabilities of a Cephlarrior are also capable of manifesting in more direct, tangible ways. This can be achieved through directed mental energy or alteration of material properties. The latter is a strange phenomena that can be directed upon objects that are in contact with the Cephlarrior in question. The individual is able to alter the physical constants and properties of said materials, magnetising or demagnetising, raising or lowering boiling points and freezing points, as well as being able to forcibly ionise the atoms within, making the material suddenly volatile and explosive, or forcing it to corrode in seconds. They can also force malleability or rigidity upon materials they touch. The former application of directed psionic alteration abilities allows Cephlarrior to directly influence the neurone impulses of nearby sentient beings (generally this effect can only take place if the targeted sentient is within a few hundred metres of the Cephlarrior). This doesn't equate to mind reading or control of an individual, but does allow the alteration of moods into the extreme (elated joy or suicidal depression) as well as being able to change, repress or introduce instinctive and fundamentally basic behaviours. This makes the Cephlarrior very interesting creatures to engage in diplomacy, as well as making them very difficult to combat at close range and in non-space combat situations. -Huge telepathic capabilities. This needs little explanation; the Cephalrrior are capable of projecting their own minds and voices into heads of others, and also of reading basic brainwave patterns to determine the state of the mind of another creature. This is most often seen by other races manifesting as the 'Song of the Cephlon,' a mighty cosmic harmony, transmitted purely through telepathic transmission, that can be heard light years away by any creature, planet-borne or otherwise. This cosmic song is the calling-card of a Cephaol; though each group will sing their own song. It is beautiful and inspiring, and is said to have been akin to the melodies of angels. Countless undeveloped species have been influenced by the Cephlarrior's song, and many in the future will continue to be. -Quantum Pushes are a most unusual occurrence, a phenomena exhibited only by Cephalrrior with particularly developed minds. A Quantum Push is defined by the individual's ability to temporarily alter basic states of reality in directed projections: in practice this can mean that in the presence of Quantum Pushing Cephalrrior, certain events, possibilities and [i]things[/i] have a habit of simply ceasing to be, making the unlikely almost certain, and the certain unlikely. This application is extremely esoteric, but it's effects are often noticeable and awe inspiring. [/center]