She hung from the wall, chains keeping her tight and unmoving as the cell door opened and a navel officer walked in. He looked her over and looked at the sailor standing guard. "Has she said anything?" The guard shook his head. "Not a word since they brought her in...I'm not sure why they bond her like that...she doesn't seem that much of a threat..." The officer walked over the prisoner and said "She doesn't look like much of a threat...but she is. She took down three ships on her own before we finally caught her. She's to be executed in the morning for her crimes..." The woman looked up at him, her purple eyes almost glowing in the bad light. "I doubt that...and my crimes were against the scum of the sea...those crews were blood thirsty killers" The officer nodded and said " are a threat to the seas...the risk can't be taken" He turned and left the cell, the guard locking it up after him. She looked down again and closed her eyes. She wasn't worried. She trusted that fate wasn't done with her yet. And she knew of some people who wanted her very much alive... A man was standing on a deck, a few other man standing around. The biggest man, who had white hair but young said "The captain is in trouble...and we have no way of getting inside...we need a miracle.."