[Center]Dante Salem [Img]http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130819031805/bleach-rp/images/3/31/Anime_guy_vagos_club_29810419_329_352_by_kodaka97-d66y6e6.jpg[/img] [Race] Human 18 Male Straight [Personality] Dante has always been timid and shy, never caught speaking to anyone longer than a few minutes. He has a seductive flare that shows itself when Dante gets nervous around girls. He's never really understood why he gets seductive when nervous. He considers it a defensive thing. Dante prefers to keep to himself most days and will make up any excuse not to socialize. When Dante is alone he studies and practices different forms of martial arts. [Other Information] Note that Dante is not a smoker I just loved the picture. [/center]