Bane was steering the helm, cursing softly as he saw the pirates already taking the navel ship. "Alright...we may have to let her loose...if the captain is in trouble on board we have to do something to save her...or we are all in trouble.." Bane turned and called "Dante! Ready the guns! If we have to take both ships then I want to be ready too!" He heard a reply and then turned back to the fight before them. "Maggie...please be alright..." The captain was fighting to loosen her chained hands, but with no food, no medical aid or real sleep, she was lucky to lift her arms. Then she heard steps and laughing nearby. she froze, then pulled harder at the chains. "If only I had a weapon and could get one hit in...that's all I need..." Her legs buckled and she slid to the ground, coughing into her hands as the noises got closer. She was in trouble, and worse off she couldn't defend herself in this state.