Character you have created: Al'qruni-tun'kil (She who rots blood) Alias: Styx Speech Color (Actually say what you're using, don't go "Like this", or what not): Red. Character Alignment: Walking the Line Identity: Secret (On account of not being of this world) Character Personality: Cryptic and dour, Styx is not the most pleasant...thing, to be around. Her bizarre sense of morality is indecipherable to those who don't live in the infernal planes, but at the least she is ambivalent to other entities. At worst, she's nefarious, at best, capricous. Seeks out knowledge that can only be described as “should not be read” and “why would you even”. Uniform/costume: [hider=Appearance] [img][/img][/hider] [hider= Costume] [img] [/img][/hider] Origin Info/Details: Spawned from the spawning pits of hell itself, Styx crawled from the murk, devouring the first other she could to sustain her birth hunger. Whoever was thrown and subsequently murdered by the spawning pit to produce her would have been proud, probably. Or would have just eaten her. Hell is funny that way. Eventually driven towards the sin she most represented, Scratch found herself in the shadowed librarium. Only demons or the most foolish mages ever read from these tomes and scrolls and tablets of God knew what. And if he did know, he wasn't talking about it and for good reason. Many of the books would kill if they could and often did. This was the closest thing to schooling as you were going to get in the second layer of Hell and the other spawnlings that had not been devoured found themselves there as well, pulled by forces none could understand. For years they poured over the words, the thoughts and trials put down to paper becoming their very being. Re-awakening from their trance, each demon found they now had full knowledge of the hierarchy of the seven hells and their position therein. Styx was resident on the second tier of hell and a part of the ash skinned tribe that worked in the blazing canyons near the River Styx. There the restless dead walked through a rushing, disease-ridden river and snakes dripped poison onto their defeated eyes. She met the tribe elder, who knew precisely the moment any new kin would arrive by prophecy. He told her that a portal to another plane would open soon (relative to their concept of time) and if she were to have anything to offer she too could cross. Four more years, now survived fourteen cycles of the not-moon, she trained in the ways of her kin, so when the Apocalypse, Ragnarock, or whatever it was called in this day and age arrived, she may offer her hand in war. During this time, she had also managed to acquire the Book of Eibon from a poor, poor soul. Offering this, she gained access to the hell portal leading to the City of “Haven”. Hero Type : Supernatural (Demon) Power Level : Street Level Powers : Being a demon, Styx can instantly appear and move about in shadows, throw hellfire, walk into mirrors and appear in another. Can instantly break lights, blow out fires, and haze windows with her infernal presence. Able to make electronics go haywire. Is able to walk straight along walls and ceilings, move agile on all fours. She's able to use swords and staves with decent competency. Something of a healing factor, can't heal a removed limb but able to remove a blade from her chest and heal if the weapon wasn't sanctified. Attributes (Select one at each category): Strength Level: Normal Human Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Normal Human Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 3 hours Agility: 5X Human level. Intelligence: Average Fighting Skill: Trained Resources: Minimal Weaknesses: Religious symbols when held with proper conviction prevent her from acting upon the wielder, things like holy water can burn. Salt when placed around a door or window will keep her out of a house. Sanctified weaponry. Supporting Characters: Ash Tribe – Closest thing to “Relatives”. Do you know how to post pictures on RPG boards?: [img] [/img] Sample Post (Minimum Four paragraphs containing dialogue. As this is an Advanced Level game, Sample must also meet the RPG forum's minimum requirement of 12 lines): I am. I am a throbbing heart. Pulsing, black, undulating, shoving blood through fetid silver veins. Pry me open like a coinpurse. Spread my ribs with a vise, remove my heart. It's cold, wet, and beautiful. Everything you wanted a heart to be. Your lips tremble. They fall apart. A single tear rolls down your lidless eyes. Take a bite with your gaping mouth, then another, and another until the beautiful, perfect heart is inside you. In the torn center of the pulp, you will see your own, perfect face. This is me. I AM. Violent red pulses spread their digitized red lines through ragged rock. Pulling, tugging, guiding all the sins towards the hellish epicenter. A swirling vortex was far above in a red sky of not-stars, stalactites formed around the circumference. A single beam reached up towards it from the ground. This light was not before. Now that it was, every entity within this hellscape was inexplicitly drawn towards the effulgent glow, knowing instinctively where it would lead. It would lead to Man. Hooded devils, demons who's origins stretch back to the beginning of time, encircled the base of the pentagram from which that horrid light rose. Others would approach them, those skin of ash, flame, shadow. They asked by what right they had to reach Man, to commit whatever atrocities they were want to commit. The largest devils answered by right of conquest. Most by right of blood. One smaller one, more freshly spawned than the others, handed over a skin bound book. “By right of the unknowable.” The hooded one she had approached turned in short rotations until his many eyed visage sat upon her and that horrible, horrible book. One of several maws opened and shuttered closed, in a tongue long thought dead , “Mmm. The Book of Eibon. How did you come upon this?” “Eibon arrived here, once. Bargained the wretched tome for his freedom. It's a good read.” It chuckled a hoarse, crackling laugh. “This is acceptable. Though you are young to be crossing the threshold from us...” the elderly demon lowered a blackened, shadowed claw, drawn slowly towards the sky with no less than three boney cracks at each increment. “To sin.”