Lisianthus looked up from the spot on the ground she chose, seeing that Jack Maverous and a couple of newbies were with him here at Aurora. The very same man that gave her the abilities she has now, in order to get some extra money she needed, and the same man responsible for the voices she hears in her head. [i]'Four years ago I came to this man...and now here I am.'[/i] [i]'Why don't you kill the man that did this to you? It was his fault that you turned out this way...'[/i] Sia closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, placing a hand on her head. "N-Not again...s-shut up..." This was a usual problem for Sia, the voices in her head would always try to have her kill others and putting people in harm's way. Not caring what would happen to those people, since they were just insects in her way. As well trying to make the girl picture how much destruction she could cause with her ability to manipulate the shadows. She started breathing in and out as a way to help try to ignore these evil voices...