When push comes to shove, Lug is still an Ork. As such he has several pieces of equipment that make him a little more killy than usual. [hider=Da Rippa][img=http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130104021232/warhammer40k/images/5/5d/Chainsword_Ork.jpg] Da Rippa was the first choppa that Lug ever had and as such it has a special place in his heart. Over the many years he has had it, Lug has upgraded it immensely. Changing it from a basic machete to a handheld chainsaw capable of cutting through all but the best armors. The blade is about three feet long, a sword in anybody else hands but his own. The only real drawback is that it cannot be used quietly, not that Lug would want to.[/hider] [hider=Shoota][img=http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-96LoIUr4yLc/UTkYhKLxibI/AAAAAAAAFEI/zD5p92oh3z8/s1600/Shoota.jpg] Your run of the mill ork shoota. These beauties are fairly basic and easy to make. While the bullets are comparativly small to an ork, they are in fact huge by everyone elses standards. The magic behind this weapon is actually the bullets themselves. An ork special, these bullets are technically very small grenades and detonate with enough force to destroy ever organ in your body... if it doesn't just punch through your body entirely. However this weapon is highly prone to jamming in the middle of the fight and is wildly inaccurate.[/hider] [hider=Iron Jaw][img=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs17/f/2007/201/3/5/warhammer_40k_ORk_by_PabelBilly.jpg] There really isn't a reason behind this other than orks find it cool looking. Besides that it offers marginal protection and a large boost to intimidation.[/hider] Lug doesn't wear much besides his coveralls and tee-shirt, but when he needs to he can fashion some decent armor in a jiff. It will usually involve chains, metal plates, and bolts. The effectiveness of this armor varies with what materials he has laying around.