[url=http://np.reddit.com/r/AskLEO/comments/2d9f3w/in_light_of_recent_and_abundant_media_coverage/cjnkn4v]Unrelated, but worth reading.[/url] I have no facts and thus no reaction to the Ferguson case. All I know is what has been reported on the news -- three principal stories. 1, the news is selling news about the treatment of the news, and hopefully that phrasing tells you how much stock I put in their word. They're literally invested in uproar, and I don't trust their accounts of mistreatment. I'll dig into witness accounts when I have the time for it, and probably share it here, because I know you guys care deeply what I think about things. 2. The racial advocacy community is selling news about racial injustice. Same story. I don't mean to discredit any person or organization (or, needless to say, ethnic body) by saying this -- only, that a white cop and a black victim does not a hate-crime make, and I have much more digging to do before I'm prepared to render a 'Racist' verdict. Nor am I ready to vindicate the shooter, just based on his badge -- don't take me the wrong way. I'm only stating my skepticism. 3. The police are selling the story that the victim wasn't a victim, and that if anything they should've shot him sooner. OKAY, not those words, they're just saying that the kid was literally robbing a place shortly before he was shot. That's a pretty serious allegation and, again, having no facts, I'm not ready to pass judgment. These are the three things I'm going to look at first, and I'll see where the rabbit hole takes me. On the off-chance that someone has applicable resources I can use to speed things along, feel free to share -- be warned that I hate pretty much every variety of journalist, and I'll probably find fault in your sources, but hey, even fault helps me sort things out, so whatever.