EDIT: ^I wouldn't bet one way or another. You want to keep something, save it. Especially right now, there's no guarantee what's gonna happen. We were supposed to keep the stuff from the beta forum, too, but that didn't work out. Shit happens. [quote=Mortimer] Ummm, I mean...I know it's still being in construction...but after a while...it bothers me not being able to skip to the last page. But nevermind, Mahz is doing a great work at re-doing this site. [/quote] It's not a total solution, but when you click on pages other than the first, it will have a "page=_" at the end of the link. You can put the latest page's number in so that you don't have to click through every one. If you already know that, then I have no help to offer. :[ [quote=Kangaroo] I love this introduction :D [/quote] To pages? It's appropriate. :']