Amelia was bickering the other guild members about how they were wasting food by not leaving an empty plate behind until her name was called. Her ears twitched and she instantly turned her body around facing the direction of where it came from. "A challenger?!" She shouted jumping up using the crowd's heads as stepping stones to get to her destination from across the room. Along the way she picked up a little snack and drink from some of the member's trays. "I know it was you Jayce! You can't fool the ears of a dragonslayer!" Amelia called out when she approached the table and sat right on top of it instead of the empty chair given to her. She held that damn chicken leg in front of Jayce swaying it in his face "You dare challenge me?" She questioned with a grin until her eyes locked onto an unfamiliar member of the guild. "Who's the squirt? Your little brother or something?" She asked poking the top of Mire's head with the chicken leg playfully.