Characters Accepted: [list] [*]Shannon Jacqueline Balore - Mr Allen J[/*] [*]Deborah Lillian Termellio - Mr Allen J[/*] [*]Lisa Daniels - Konica[/*] [*]Isaac Clayton - PureThoughts[/*] [*]WIPs will be consider place-holders.[/*] [/list] [quote=Mr Allen J]You know, one thing that irritates me to no end is when people post "WIPs" If your sheet's not finished then what's the point of posting it?[/quote] I'll just consider them as place-holders, if it's still a WIP by the time IC is up, then I'll request an edit, just to keep things neat. [quote=Konica]How much do we know about the victim?[/quote] It's completely up to you :)