[quote=TheMadAsshatter] I personally would go there myself and try to get the gist of things from my own experience, but on the chance that the cops there have lost their minds, I'll stay in my comfy abode.And for the record, not all cops are bad, though all cops do seem to be getting worse. [/quote] If a 'good cop' adheres to the Blue Code or otherwise remains silent while their comrades--the so called 'bad cops'--commit crimes against the American people, then they are just as guilty as those same corrupt policemen and policewomen are. They need to speak up; their job is to serve and protect, so they should protect us from these bestial savages that occupy police stations throughout the United States. When police officers go unpunished for these destructive and absurd actions, it sends a message to all other policemen and policewomen across the nation that this sort of behavior is acceptable. The justice system in this country is disgusting.