Big thanx to NK for making me a (surprisingly) cool appearance pic for my next character: The Phantom! [s]I have so many Phantoms lol[/s] [b]Fun Fact:[/b] NK and I randomly use this character's concept for various things. [s]I'M BETTER, THO[/s] --- [quote=Phantom][i]"The Phantom Detective Agency is proud to kick a-s for twenty whole... minutes. Still a better love story than Twilight."[/i][/quote] [hider=Phantom Apperance][img=] Credits to NarayanK huehuehue[/img][/hider] [center][b][u][i]Name[/i][/u][/b] Zanzoro Wilmensk [b][u][i]Age[/i][/u][/b] 22 [b][u][i]Gender[/i][/u][/b] Male [b][u][i]Species[/i][/u][/b] Venom & Disease Elemental + Cursed Human [b][u][i]Powers[/i][/u][/b][/center] [*][i]Disease Manipulation[/i][/*] - The Phantom can absorb minor illnesses with simplicity and save them up for later use. The more diseases he gathers from other living things, the larger his arsenal grows. The Phantom is immune to all forms of natural diseases, but has no immunity against powerful supernatural illnesses. The diseases the Phantom utilizes can never affect targets for long unless he overcharges an ability, which holds the risk of him accidentally imploding everything he gathered. [*][i]Venom Manipulation[/i][/*] - The Phantom has the ability to use venom to mark targets through physical contact. The larger marks he leaves, the more likely he is able to find the venom-marked targets through his sense of smell (ie. poking things with his claw can leave tiny marks, while punching someone in the face with said claw would leave a huge mark). The venom is not hazardous to the point where it would hurt anything, but it is extremely time-consuming to get it off forcefully. The venom, if it hasn't been removed during its limited duration, will last for two days. [*][i]Carapace Reinforcement[/i][/*] - The Phantom's head is reinforced with carapace, most notably on the left side of his head. This carapace only exists around the Phantom's head, though fire is quite effective to it. [*][i]Arsenal[/i][/*] - The Phantom generally relies on his tools over utilizing his own body to gain an upper hand in combat. While this arsenal is strictly limited due to the lack of access to weaponry the Phantom has, they can be used in stupid, yet extremely clever ways. The Phantom always carries around a Glock- his signature weapon- made of hard plastic to avoid those who can tear apart metal through Metal Manipulation. [*][i]Glock 18[/i][/*] - While the Phantom does a good job at restricting himself with BB bullets in school grounds, outside of the academy, he uses bullets filled with liquified poison. The Phantom will never shoot any of the students or the academy's faculty with the poison bullets, and will always find another way to apprehend them when it is deemed absolutely necessary. [*][i]Poltergeist Blade[/i][/*] - The Phantom's second signature weapon. This blade has the strange ability to vanish under the Phantom's command. The blade also has the option to turn into an inanimate object it recently touched, so the Phantom can also think about throwing tables at stuff for the lolz. [center][b][u][i]Abilities[/i][/u][/b][/center] [*][i]Quick Switch[/i][/*] - The Phantom quickly changes his tool of trades. A fairly simple ability, though it allows him to win most "quick draw" battles. [*][i]Nullify Virus[/i][/*] - The Phantom uses some of the illnesses he gathered to rapidly destroy a moderately powerful illness. He must be making physical contact with a target in order to do this. The Phantom has the option to get rid of illusions as well, though it depletes twice as much of his infectious supply. [*][i]Viral Cask[/i][/*] - The Phantom takes out a grenade filled with diseases. The grenade, which activates the instant moment it makes physical contact with something other than the Phantom, will explode at an extremely small radius, but targets that touch its contents will have their body's systems to slow down for five seconds. The Phantom only has two of these around because he prefers to save up space for some pistol ammunition. [*][i]"MAY I HAVE SOME WATER, PLZ"[/i][/*] - The Phantom says the name of the ability before headbanging the living sh-t out of himself with random thrash metal music screaming from his phone. This ability is used to- okay, it obviously does nothing. [center][b][u][i]Weaknesses[/i][/u][/b][/center] [*][i]Cleaning Tools[/i][/*] - The Phantom's venom can stick to things stubbornly, but its active duration can be drastically shortened by being affected by cleaning detergents or poison-resisting liquid medicine. [*][i]Immunity[/i][/*] - If a target has general immunity over illnesses and diseases, the Phantom will lose several important options he could make during critical situations. [*][i]Damage[/i][/*] - The Phantom, while being able to receive damage quite nicely, cannot inflict damage on others easily due to the fact that his venom cannot poison living things. He mainly relies on his bullets and Poltergeist. [center][b][u][i]Personality[/i][/u][/b][/center] Outgoing and persistent, the Phantom has never failed to bring ends to his cases. The Phantom is a lively person despite the fact that he looks like some cold-blooded "thing." He enjoys lulling around places for no real reason. Money can get him extremely motivated in solving unfinished cases sent to him, and getting a better reputation in general empowers his egotistic, third-person perspective of talking. He does speak in first-person at times, however. Screaming out a variety of things seems to be one of his hobbies, and collecting frog knickknacks makes him "feel stupid, but awesome to the point where he feels stupid."(???) The Phantom seems to have a particular specialty in looking through cases that involve various forms of romance. He has a passion in embarrassing the crap out of people in order to bring them closer together, though he is sometimes unable to read the mood correctly. [center][b][u][i]The Phantom Detective Agency[/i][/u][/b][/center] The Phantom Detective Agency is placed directly within Athalia Academy, and is stationed at the far right of the entire school grounds. The Phantom takes digitally recorded lessons for his own education, though he tends to learn the same things over and over again for weeks due to his lazy VCR habits. [center][b][u][i]Backstory[/i][/u][/b] N/A[/center]