Username: Eclipsedragon Name: Riley Age: 19 Gender: Female Birthday/Zodiac: November 14 - Scorpio Allegiance: Sacred Blades Class: Cavalier Clothing: [hider=Clothing][img][/img][/hider] Weapons: Steel sword, Steel Lance Appearance: [hider=Appearance] [img][/img] [/hider] Personality: Riley tends to be cold and hostile to strangers, especially men who haven't earned her respect. She isn't usually interested in people, and is more concerned about her own well-being and safety. In the face of a weaker enemy, she can be cruel and fights without mercy. Beneath the cold-outer shell, Riley is protective of those close to her and incredibly loyal and willing to go the extra mile to prove that they mean something to her; though this is probably due to her difficulty in expressing her emotions towards people. History: Riley was born into a farming family with two brothers and a twin sister. Whilst her brothers learned how to use farming equipment and treat the fields, the two sisters started to learn to cook and clean from a young age - but not enjoying these activities would sneak away during the day to a neighboring farm that was owned by a ex-soldier named Tal. He had become plump over years spent without a proper exercise routine, but had given birth to no daughters so quickly grew a soft spot for the girl. Riley would always ask to hear stories from battles and wars that he had been involved in, and by the age of seven she wanted to learn to be a warrior herself. The old man laughed and told her that a farmers wife had no place on the battlefield, but after much insistence he agreed to teach her how to ride a horse. His pride and joy had given a birth to a young horse the year before and was perfect for her to start to practice with, and she turned into a talented rider. She kept her dreams a secret, knowing her mother would only become even more stricter in her punishments against her for sneaking away, only when was eleven did she share her dream when her eldest brother declared he would grow up and become a royal soldier; the whole family laughed at him but Riley had finally found someone who shared her goals and ambitions. Soon the two grew close over war stories Riley had learned, and both made a pledge to help each other become famous legends. Less than a year later, bandits attacked her families farm in a blood frenzy. There was no brave battle, the attack was unexpected and had never happened in the area. Her twin sister and mother where both kidnapped, her younger brother and father where both given gruesome executions that the entire family where forced to watch - the only reason she wasn't taken along with the rest of her family was because of her Tal. Hearing the screams, he hurried to aid as best he could. Wearing old and battered armor that was worn and in disrepair and wielding a lance that had seen better days he rushed in, lancing the largest of the bandits who was dragging Riley by her hair through the fields, in a flash he swept Riley onto the horse and told her to ride and get help whilst he stayed to fight off the bandits. With tears stinging her eyes, she gripped the reins of the horse and fled, looking back to see him give one last smile. She clamped her eyes for the rest of the ride, trying to block out the sound of her only friend perishing at the hands of the barbarians. By the time she could get help, there was nothing that could be done. She forever blamed the weakness of the men who she had retrieved for the fate of the farm, suffering from survivors guilt she poured her anger into a new life. Train and become a soldier, no longer was it to become a legend but so she could protect herself. She wouldn't let anyone like Tal or her family die for her again. Her life in the capitol started off rough, but after her rough events she got her chance and started training to become a knight. Ability: Incredibly strong bond with her steed Quirk: The best gambler in the group Strengths: Riley has a prideful streak, meaning she will go out of her way to uphold promises and deals and refuses to cheat her way anywhere, she is also incredibly loyal to those who have earned it and is willing to put the lives of those she considers worthy of her respect before hers on the battlefield. Weaknesses: Riley's strongest strength is also her greatest flaw, her pride means she won't say no to something that is beyond her talents, and when she isn't capable of upholding the task she will blame herself. She also has great difficulty trusting people, and tends to judge people on their combat strength and actions rather than what they say, this cold outlook can cause her to alienate people who are attempting to be friendly. Riley also tends to be reckless in her actions, and will act without thinking if left to her own devices. Likes: The feeling of freedom she gains from riding on a mount, being with one or two close friends and reading stories of old heroes and legends Dislikes: Men, the cold, people who cannot carry their own burdens and raw food Other: Prove your worth!