Gabriel strolled outside of the tavern, as he walked over to his dear pet Taliesin, which stared at Gabriel for a moment. "Taliesin! Well, since I was unable to get well... Anyway! Let's teach you some tricks!" He moved over behind Taliesin as he took off the rope, and began putting it back in his bag. As soon as Gabriel was doing that, Taliesin was deeply sniffing the inside of the bag. "HEY! Taliesin!" Gabriel shouted as he waved his right and left hands frantically. Taliesin peered at Gabriel curiously, as he Gabriel began slowing down his arm movement. "Okay, we are going to start with something simple. Sitting." Taliesin just stared at Gabriel, before peering at a small wandering creature. He opened his maw as he breathed out, and licked his chops, as he slowly approached the creature, as he passed Gabriel. "Wait, wai-" Gabriel glanced at the creature, as he rushed up to the thing as it stared at Taliesin and was in a paralyzed state of fear. He held it by the tail, as it tried to escape. "Alright Taliesin..." he said as Taliesin glanced at Gabriel while still standing up. Gabriel went behind Taliesin as he jumped up, and pushed down on Taliesin, who was curiously eying Gabriel, but in particular the little creature he was holding by the tail. Taliesin, now in a sitting position, continued glancing at Gabriel. "Good boy! You are sitting!" He tossed the creature to Taliesin who quickly snapped it and swallowed it whole. Taliesin got back up as he peered at Gabriel. "Alright sit!" Gabriel said, as Taliesin just stared at him. Gabriel moved back behind Taliesin and pushed him again, as he got into a sitting position. "Good boy Taliesin!" he said as he began petting him. "Alright, we are making a good start!" Gabriel eagerly declared. Taliesin just tilted his head a bit and moved towards Gabriel. He sniffed at Gabriel, while Gabriel was petting him. "You are a good boy Taliesin. And you will learn many fine tricks! Together we will travel far and wide, basking in the adoration of the crowd who scurried to our performance before it leaves! And it will be glorious, yes it will be most magnificent!" [i]Oh I hope I can get proper satisfaction for my heroic deeds later down the dungeon.[/i] Gabriel thought to himself. He paused for a moment as he tapped at his chin. "Well I suppose I should keep my performances up as well. I didn't get much practice with my juggling today." he said. Gabriel quickly took out two throwing knives from both sides. He began juggling at a slow spee at first, but quickly gained speed. As he was juggling his blades he began dancing a simple jig. Taliesin watched the performance with much curiosity as he sniffed the area around Gabriel.