You are the last surviving member of your race/species, or perhaps some other highly important individual. You are placed in a hidden location where you are left alone by your guardians, and they leave you, knowing you are safe from their enemy. They leave to their deaths in a final important battle of their lives, but not before begging you to watch over the ruins and guard with every ounce of your soul. You choose your character race, archetype, and occupation. . . eventually you'll have power over your lairs, and they will eventually grow. You awaken years, perhaps a whole century or more later, and you are attacked by a warrior, whom you easily kill. . . you have an unknown time limit to explore your ruins/lair, and build on it, explore it, perhaps make new friends, and then enter into a deep slumber. You constantly repeat the cycle of your slumber, battles and improving your lairs, until you mysteriously meet each other, possibly through magical portals, tunnels, or both. Character Name: (This is all that you remember about your'self) Character Attributes: Character Race: (Are you Human, An Elf? A Demi god? A Ghost or something?) Character Archetype: (Are you a Harbinger of Darkness, an Eldritch Abomination, some kind of Apocalyptic Deity or something?) Character Occupation: (You could be a Mage, a Warrior, A Lich/Necromancer perhaps) Notoriety Points: (Sort of like an Evil Karma meter. It goes up whether you're bad or not based on certain actions. Just defending yourself successfully from world renowned heroes who want to kill you and save the world can cause this to rise). Legend Points: (This goes up for thinking outside of the box. You can spare an enemy and develop a kind of reputation for having your own personal code of honor, you can do impressive things with your Lair, you can subdue certain enemies that would cause your Legend Points to rise instead of your Notoriety. (Although sometimes both can rise up at the same time. If you gain heroic figures as your right hand man, or otherwise some kind of subordinate, you can gain Legend Points. Epic romances and many other things all contribute to your Legend Score.). Fate Score: (This goes up not just for doing things, but for doing things successfully. If you aren't up to performing challenges seemingly impossible even for you, you can avoid raising your Fate Score the normal way by being wily and clever. You can manipulate powerful figures into working for you, somehow acquire immensely powerful relics, etcetera. Fate Scores allow you to perform epic feats with surprisingly little effort). Appearance: Ruins/Lair Name: (I'd prefer many Lairs to be Medieval or Fantasy-esque, but a Post Apocalyptic laboratory or something Fallout like is okay too. As for your actual names, try to come up with something dramatic, but if you have a more "modern" kind of lair that's kind of like the Sierra Madre from Fallout, or a Town like Silent Hill, that's okay)).