Samson raised a brow up at Josephine when she stated that it was nice not having to share a room. He chuckled when it she talked about him coming up here with Jacob and she had ride with Danny, their Foster Father. His eyebrow raised towards as he watched her fall back. "You've really got to quit smoking, JoJo." JoJo was a little nickname he had given her when they became close enough. "You know me, I'm not going to tell anything. My lips are sealed. Scouts honor." He said while raising up his right hand. "But let me go and check out my room. See ya' at dinner." Samson winked while trailing off and going to his new room. With a turn of the doorknob, he entered the room and saw that he had a big bed. Samson jumped on the bed, back first and did nothing but laugh then saw Jacob. "Awe. The wonders that will happen here, huh?" Samson shook his head then got up off the bed, kissing Jacob on the lips. Jacob smiled then grabbed Samson by the hand while almost rushing out of the room and down the stairs. "I want you to meet the twins." He said excitedly while basically running down the stairs and shooting out of the front door. Jacob had reached the front door of the neighbors within seconds and knocked repeatedly once he got there. Samson loosened his hand from Jacob's then raised a brow as the door was opening. [center][b][i]- & -[/i][/b][/center] Heather sat up in the attic, humming silently to herself as she swayed from side to side. Most people didn't know that she was ghost but they soon find out for themselves that she was. Her ears twitched as she heard the slamming of car doors then she lifted herself up and walked to the window and peered her eyed down at the four people walking into the house. Heather always hated having new guests entered her home, or their home. She made sure that she was going to have fun with this family but this time no killing. Or hopefully. She lowered her head then turned around as Miss Faith walked up behind her. "Our guests have arrived." Heather seethed at the voice behind her as Miss Faith grabbed her by the back of her neck and whispered in her ear. "I've killed you once and I can do it again." She then eased her grip upon Heather's neck while patting her on the back. Miss Faith smirked as she saw a grown man carrying a box enter. "I'm going to have fun with him." She cooed while turning towards Heather then walked out of the attic. Heather hated Miss Faith because she use to be a guest in The Murder House but now she was a permanent owner. Miss Faith killed Heather because she was getting lonely in the house. Heather met a lot of ghosts that resided there and came quite fond of them. Well, except for Miss Faith. She folded her arms over her chest and walked out of the attic, eventually ending upstairs. She walked by the girl's room then cursed underneath her breath. "Shit, what if she saw me?" She quickly made her disappear, hopefully before the female came out of her room and saw her.