[i]Clop, clop, clop...[/i] A small sound disturbed the young thief as he was nearing the end of his slumber. Hay surrounded his body. The night before, Lune had managed to enter this stable, finding an attractive pile of hay. He'd meant to head out much before a disturbance arose, but, Lune was apparently more exhausted than he'd thought. A horse inside of the stable pressed its nose against Lune's soft cheek, taking in his scent before sliding its large tongue against his face. Lune quickly reached towards his waist for a sword as a reaction, but, remembered that he didn't have a sword with him. The horse was unfazed by Lune's quick movement and returned to eating hay. [b]"I wouldn't kill a horse anyway,"[/b] Lune mumbled to himself, standing up from the pile of hay and pushing his arms out to their fell length. That was the best night of sleep he'd had in awhile. It'd been years since he'd met the comfort of a bed, back in his home in Rosanne. Lune missed his house dearly, save for the two wyverns that resided with them. There was no time to get homesick. How far was he from the main town? Lune escaped from the stable by climbing out a nearby window, and narrowed his eyes, spotting the main town. It was quite sunny outside already. He really had overextended his sleep time. Lune hurried away from the small farm he was on, quite thankful he wasn't detected by the owner. Within five minutes or so, his run slowed to a walk as he blended within the streets of Ylisstol. Although he'd like to say he mixed in with the residents there, his black clothing definitely made him stand out a bit from the crowd. Lune spotted an old man wheeling a cart of bread. Although, in mornings, he didn't have much of an appetite, he was interested in having something to eat later on. He quickly sped up his steps, spotting a young man who was enjoying some bread and quickly moving away from his cart. [b]"...Looks like a first buyer or something,"[/b] Lune thought to himself. He seemed pretty content with himself as well. Lune approached the elderly man at the cart, admiring his bread for a bit before clearing his throat. Before he could say anything however, the man had looked over his stock, noticing that a couple of loaves were missing. The man shouted a variation of insults at Lune. Lune's face turned into a frown as he backed away from the man, sliding his hood over his black hair and hurrying away. He had to admit, it hurt that he was accused of stealing the man's bread. Perhaps he was just cursed or something... Lune gazed towards the sky at that moment, spotting what looked to be a wyvern high in the sky. A chill went through his body. Yeah, today wasn't his day.