The teal haired girl suddenly became alert once direct sunlight hit her bright eyes and an outline of a city came into full view. Sapphire was assuredly exhausted from the Sacred Blades’ last battle; however, she instantly knew where she was. [i]“Home,”[/i] she happily thought to herself. Feelings of nostalgia came flooding back as she gazed at the unchanged scenery, still the same as when she’d left. It’s been awhile so there was a slight chance that no one would recognize her. It scared yet reassured her at the same time. Her parents most likely don’t know she’s even here. [i]“Good. Don’t wanna go through that.”[/i] Yet, some of her friends could take note of her presence and she could mooch off of them. She didn’t like the idea, but she didn’t want to waste all her money on sweets. Maybe tipping them would be a good idea. [i]“Yeah, I’ll tip them…”[/i] And with that thought came a dopey grin on her petite face. After a stomach growl Sapphire abruptly came back to her senses; she was lost in her ambiguous mind for what seemed like forever. By the time she looked up, at least half of the group had scattered to who knows where- she wasn’t paying attention. That bothered her a little since someone could’ve said something important. [b]”Hehe…oops…”[/b] was all she could say to herself as she helped herself off her ever so elegant- in her opinion- horse. Brushing herself off, Sapphire glanced at her surroundings eagerly, ready for whatever was to come; she could barely stay still. Before she dashed off in search of one of her old buddies, the petite girl had the common sense to report to what was left of the Sacred Blades of her soon-to-be whereabouts, despite the fact that she didn't even know where she herself was going. [b]”Alright, I’m going off to get free food from one of my friends and possibly something sweet. I’m sure I’ll run into someone else who knows where to meet up at…hopefully. I’ll be off now~!”[/b] And with that, Sapphire was off. She knew these streets like she knew the back of her hand, navigating through them was like second nature- she didn't dwell on the thought any longer than she had to at all while traipsing errantly through the stoned paths. She could already taste the sweetness of candy in her mouth. [i]“Yum.”[/i] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A stray ray of sunshine hit Ruby’s face as she paced underneath a shaded tree. Word had come out about these mismatched fools that called themselves the Sacred Blades. The name alone irked her. They’re going around the realm taking out rapscallion bandits and such, but what worried her most was that they possibly possessed the ability to take out the Grimleal and their sacred plans, she could just feel it. Ruby also happened to discover that her “dear” sister had joined the pitiful group, she could tell simply by the description. But that didn’t faze her one bit. If she had to kill to brat, so be it. Ruby plopped down onto the ground, avoiding the troublesome sun as she resumed the mundane task of sharpening her blades. It had been a rather uneventful morning as she awaited whatever the other Grimleal decided on next. In the meantime, the pink haired girl would busy herself with menial tasks; with no action going about the surrounding area seemed dull. Pulling out a stack of logs, she readied herself as if in a one on one battle. Gripping her sword tightly, Ruby attacked the imaginary opponent with all her might. After awhile, standing back, the girl admired her handiwork- the logs were coated with scratches and dents. [b]“Good, but not great…”[/b] she stated to herself in monotone. If she didn’t continue to train herself, what good was she in the battlefield? She continued to pressure herself until satisfied with the halved log in plain sight, a menacing smirk appearing on her face. With exhaustion at last settling in, Ruby leaned against the tree trunk, panting, allowing herself to slide onto the ground. Although she was ready for battle, there were many obstacles to overcome. But soon everything would be perfect, for now all she could do was dream of such a day as she gradually dozed off.