WIP. Basically, ancient galactic guardians that will need to be discovered by other factions to actually do anything. Also, very powerful individually, but nearly extinct :P [center][b]The Teu’Sopta Vanguard NS[/b] [IMG=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs43/f/2009/126/c/1/Hydryn_Homeworld_Flag_by_Herikvioleta.png][/center] [hider=Home System] Previous Capital System: Dyril Debris Field, formerly The Keep: The Dyril Debris field is a collection of various asteroid fields, shattered planets and artificial debris, orbiting the neutron shell of a long dead star. To most researchers today, it is believed that a primitive civilization once called the system home, but was destroyed when their binary stars went supernova, and obliterated everything in the vicinity. In all actuality, this is where the Teu’Sopta made their last stand against the Govran Shard Minds. The only object of any interest to scholars is the massive pillar shard orbiting the tiny core of a former gas giant. Many xenoarcheologists would give anything to have access to the site, but the sheer amount of radiation and quantum disturbances, coupled with the many trillions of high velocity debris particles and a near lethal security system, makes access impossible for the moment. Dominant Species: Teu’Sopta Direction From Galactic Core:65 0000 AU from galactic core, 16 degrees southeast [/hider] [hider=Politics, Power & Economy] Head Of State/Government: No record currently exists of any actual leaders, political and military wise, at the time of The Schism. Only a brief description of the Champion who led the final stand of the Teu’Sopta has been found: O’kra, Matron of Desolation. Government Type/Operation/Description: The government of the Empire bore the most semblances to a feudal hierarchy, with each planet governing itself and trading with others of the empire, but always loyal to The Keep and ready to defend the system at a moment’s notice. All planetary states answered and obeyed any instruction forthcoming from Keep Space, and many planetary systems were independently run and governed, with great variety between states. Economic System/Prosperity The original Teu were a vast empire that controlled much of the galaxy, for the most part uncontested by any other civilizations bar the sudden and disastrous appearance of the Shard Minds. If they had been more inclined to actually maximize their profit on their resources, with focuses on such industries as mining, and not devote their lives to understanding the ways of Harmony and galactic peace, the galaxy may have been much more depleted of valuable materials than it is now. Empire Size: The Teu’Sopta Empire may have been in the trillions of individuals, but none remain active thus now, having been utterly wiped out in The Schism. At most, 50 000 may have survived. Empire Power No power currently: If any Vanguards remained, somehow preserved, they would not even qualify as a planetary power, though many remains of their civilization have been found inactive for eons and possibly still operational. Type Of Power: Religious/Military: [/hider] [hider=Biology, History and Technology] Race Name: The Teu’Sopta Vanguard, formerly the Millenium Empire. Average Lifespan: Some Teu Harmony Masters can slow the aging process using extensively trained skills in Harmony, living for over a thousand years, though no such individuals remain. On average, Teu can live for up to 250 years, though most Vanguard soldiers are long dead by then from war and conflict. Physical Characteristics: All evidence of Teu form is derived from both collected data disks and ancient hieroglyphs found in the preservation of several cultures, both existing and extinct. All collected artworks bear a striking resemblance to each other, depicting Teu’Sopta as humanoid asexuals in form, standing at approximately 7’5’’ tall. Their bodies are fluid like in both movement and appearance, with elongated heads and sharp spindly limbs, except for the hands, which extend to quite large lengths for their height and build. Internally, there are certain analogues to organs found in other species, but with the addition of special fabrication chambers for the Harmony Nanite System. Most surprisingly, internal structures are not connected via synosial membranes to body chambers as in other species: Rather, they are suspended in a cytoplasmic fluid filled with nanite transport systems, similar to unicellular organisms. Recovered hieroglyph fragment from site 332-BBBS, depicting a Teu of unknown designation or order: [IMG=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/098/0/f/astroxys___speed_attack_form_by_winddragon24-d4vfapd.jpg] These nanites are potent mutagenics, that have given the species a powerful psionic gift: Many Teu can project mental images into another’s mind, telepathically communicate between other Teu, and even levitate objects within a radius around them. The more powerful and gifted Vangurads, after many years of training, can even cause localized shifts in the laws of quantum mechanics at various levels of observability, either as a weapon against ships or phase between great distances nearly instantaneously. Such individuals are extremely rare among the Teu, and hold seats of great power, either as legendary warriors or esteemed leaders. Dominant Society: The Teu’Sopta Vanguard is all that remains of the Empire, a hastily assembled task force preserved to eventually become the care takers of the next inheritors of the stars, intended to be governed again by a newly built multi-species Empire led by the Teu. The Vanguard comprises of various ships, leaders, researchers and engineers scattered throughout the galaxy on various celestial bodies and in artificial stations hidden well and awaiting discovery. Moral Values: The Vanguard has two objectives: Re-instate the original Empire, and defend life from that which could destroy all. As such, their main attitudes toward the galaxy is that of superiority, holding themselves in high regard as protectors and leaders. They have little tolerance of races that mindlessly eradicate or assimilate organisms, and will wage holy wars against them for thousands of years, if that is what it takes to secure the future of the galaxy. Religion: The Harmony – Evolving on a world rich in nano-robotic machines left behind by their predecessors, the Empire held the creators of these devices in high regard, worshiping them and praising them for what they believed to be a divine gift. In essence, the Harmony is more of a way of life, individuals training and learning to master the many teachings and masteries it presents. Harmony also teaches to respect all creatures, great and small, killing only when others are in danger of annihilation. These stringent codes of practice are what all Vanguards abide to, and it is better to die than to violate the precious laws of Harmony. History: Almost 75 00 years ago, the beings who would eventually become known as the Teu'Sopta Vanguards began their expansion into the stars, eager to explore and investigate the many wonders of this galaxy, making sure to not interfere with the many evolving life forms and sentient species they came across. Uncontested, they built a grand empire across the cosmos, drawn to the cause of preserving all life they came into contact with, and further understand their place in the universe. Eventually, they met the limitations of the current FTL drives they had designed, and discovered they could not advance any further into the universe without new breakthroughs regarding their knowledge of FTL travel. The fruition of the Empire's work led to the creation of the Router, which could tear segments of space into warp-able zones, and allow extra galactic transportation with ease, in theory. In reality, it tore a significant portion of nearby galactic space into nothing, and opened a void that allowed the Govran Shard Minds to invade, in an event known as The Schism. Crystal beings that fit no current understandings of biology or physics, they quickly set up a foothold in the galaxy, and began colonization efforts. For the Govrans, it was quickly discovered that organic life was incredibly toxic to their forms, and they sought about destroying all traces of it, in an action they simply called sterilization. The war lasted almost two thousand years, as the Teu learnt they could not defeat their enemies with conventional tactics, for they were a species that knew no fear and did not need to eat. sleep or breathe. Combined with their immunity to most of the Teu's psionic attacks. many denizens of the Empire were slain in the hundreds of billions. Before long, The Keep. a grand superstructure taking up the entirety of the Teu'Sopta home star system, was itself threatened, and all remaining forces were gathered for it's defense. Fearing that there could be no victory without great sacrifice, The Keep was defended for almost forty years, while preparations were made for the Teu's inevitable destruction. And when all preparations were set, they unleashed the entirety of their remaining people's combined psionic power, wiping out the Shard Minds but also destroying everything that their empire stood for: The last bastion of the empire was utterly annihilated, and all remaining Teu were vaporized, having been harvested forcibly for this final desperate attempt at victory. Only the relics of their past have been discovered, holding many secrets waiting to be discovered. Technological Overview: Teu technology is devoted towards their innate psionic abilities, and had found it's way into all areas of life, from industry to military. Nearly all Teu used these abilities in some way, to the point that hands actually became obsolete, replaced by simply suspending tools and weapons around them. The most important factors that influenced their tech, however, was simply Mithril Plates and Psionic Interlock. Mithril Plates: Nothing more than standard alloy metals shaped into functional parts, imbued with the nanite surpluses in the Teu body of the engineer, these devices could be given the intelligence of the designer, and thus replace the need for large crews and complex maintenance duties. Each ship could be designed and controlled by a single Teu, with lesser parts (such as weapon or shield systems) orbiting the ship and maintained by other Teu operators. This advantage allowed for much larger fleets with less crew, and adaptable ships that could modify parts mid battle for certain scenarios. These Plates could also act as AI intelligences, gathering critical warfare data and advising tacticians of the current state of the battlefield. Psionic Interlock. Related to Mithril Plate operation, this rare gift could allow some Teu to completely control vast numbers of both Nanites and plates at a time, to effectively transform the Teu soldier into a near unstoppable force of nature, destroying various large ships with ease and obliterating dozens of fighter craft in a single salvo of quantum weaponry fire. Only four individuals have ever been known to possess such power, and stories abound of these champions laying waste to entire fleets, provided they had significant naval support. O'kra, Matron of Desolation, is believed to be one such individual, though others surely would have been preserved at the end of the Schism. Weaponry: The Empire were firm believers in the power of quantum weapons, both on the soldier level and battleship level.These systems took advantage of both their natural psionic ability nd the sheer miniscule nature of nanites, to effectively break already accepted laws of physics to give the Teu the upper hand. These weapons range from infantry Chaotic Field Randomizers (CFRs) to Mass Entropy Ship Cannons, All the energy requirements for such WMD's were powered by dedicated fire teams, and would quickly be ineffective after a short time, due to exhaustion from the main gunner crews. As well as this, most ships were not actually outfitted for extended naval warfare, and made easy targets for enemy commanders who could spot these lapses in fleet integrity. [/hider]