[b]"No, I'm not looking for any of those, I'm looking for..."[/b] Mire was interrupted by somebody vaulting over several people's heads, swung a chicken leg in front of Jayce's face, and started talking about some challenge. Then she looked at Mire. [b]"Who's the squirt, your little brother or something?"[/b] she asked, and started bopping him on the head. [i]I wouldn't bop someone on the head with something you were going to eat...[/i] Mire thought. He had a feeling it would be a long time before he got used to this sort of thing. [b]"Let's go with 'something',"[/b] replied Mire. The guild doors opened, and a silver cat flew in. "Mire, what are you doing? I know you wanted me to wait outside, but I didn't expect you to wait [i]this[/i] long!" it said. "Sorry, I got caught up." replied Mire.