[quote=ASTA]The justice system in this country is disgusting.[/quote] [img]http://capitolhilloutsider.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/lady-justice.jpg[/img] Lady Justice is blind for a reason. Anyway. From what information I've seen of it, albeit biased as most of it largely was, yeah, this cop deserves to be brought up to a trial, and yes, this requires further investigation by an independent source or federal level. (Although I believe multiple federal sources are already investigating multiple aspects of the case.) Do I think the protest was justified? Maybe. It's hard to define what is justified for the death of a single small time thief. Do I think it was useful? No. Absolutely not. All this protest did was put civilians up against police officers. Civilians I might add who threw things at the police officers. Civilians I might add who prevented police officers from crossing the crowd to rescue businesses from being completely and thoroughly sacked. Civilians I might add who stood by and just watched as people lit things on fire. The protestors deserve none of my sympathy and they get none of it. And before anyone goes with that "oh but the robbers weren't protestors!1!" Sure, maybe, but the protestors sure did absolutely [b]nothing[/b] to stop them and only helped them by refusing to cooperate with police officers at all. I mean they could have at least tried moving to another street, or [i]something[/i], so the police could do their jobs. Or at least allow a couple police officers through the crowd. Oh wait, if that happened, people might have tried to murder them judging by how vicious the crowd was towards the cops. :lol Besides that, what was the point of the protest? A protest succeeds by having a clear cut goal to accomplish. What was the goal of this protest? Get the cop fired? Is that it? Was it more? Was it "get the cop's head cut off and shoved on a pike"? Was it arresting him? There was no universal voice to this protest and it naturally failed. No, what you have here is a clear cut example of why you should not let your emotions rule over your judgement. This was a tragedy and it needed investigating, but those hundreds/thousands of voices would have been better spent spreading the word, getting the media involved without it becoming a protest, throwing petitions at their mayor, pooling money to hire private investigators, asking the federal government to send private investigators... But nope. Instead the response was "lolfuckcops" and throwing a hissy fit that allowed multiple small businesses to get ransacked and involved violence against police officers. (And yes, throwing objects at police officers constitutes as violence. Don't play dumb.) The "peaceful" protest stopped being peaceful the moment they started doing that. This whole situation was an overblown, tragic disaster. And the news media is doing what it does best: Blowing it up even more for views.