Before things between her and Cristi could get too far, be it philosophical or playful Mina finally chirped in, it was a saving grace really. It was hard to have defences up around Cristi, he was just so damn good looking and somehow still as adorable as a naïve little kid. She couldn’t have am an going around ruining her reputation for being a bad ass, it was about all that kept most of the higher tier perverts from attacking her whenever they felt they could. Having the reputation for breaking someone’s fingers for calling you the wrong name would be somewhat dampened if people thought she was soft on someone. So she offered Cristi a wink and a grin before dropping her boots from his chair and turning to face Mina and listen to their new ‘boss’. About half way through though Mina had successfully rubbed Eve the wrong way, she couldn’t tell if it was the prissy ass tone she was taking, as if she didn’t want to be here or with these people that –from her assumptions- she had asked for herself. The way she seemed to try and assert her authority and superiority by being as blunt and quasi-aggressive as she could be, even though in Eve’s mind she looked like a pissy teen who hadn’t gotten their own way. Or if it was because she was talking about [b]her[/b] crew as if they were something nasty she’d stepped in outside. The ‘Scav’s’ worked more than their fair share, while even the enforcers had an easier job than they did in general, most people got to stay in Barrowside, rarely step foot outside unless they were stupid or surrounded by enforcers. Scavanger’s worked in small teams of five or six, usually they split up as soon as they were out of the gates and they could be gone from their vehicle days at a time with no shelter, little food and only whatever they’d carried with them to defend themselves. They got attacked by all sorts of fucking things out there just to fetch people more food, alcohol, or fulfil random and stupid requests from people. Sure they got upgraded from Level 4 to Level 3 but on average a Scav could have that shiny apartment about eight to ten months before a new tenant moved in. If you fucked up in Barrowside you went to nurses like Mina and you were fixed up, out there if you fucked up you died. Sometimes you’d get to listen to the people you ran with scream as a bandit raped and ate them or a Grey ripped them to pieces and you had to stay still and quiet, not make a sound until they’d moved on. All the time wondering if they were looking for you, if they’d find you and what would happen to you if and when they did. She’d known Scav’s to get suicidal at the thought of facing another run, who’d rather face punishment from the System than deal with what horrors lurked outside the wall. Oh Mina could romanticize it all she wanted but outside these walls was a fucking death trap, every single step could be a person’s last and so to talk about [b]her[/b] friends, her [b]job[/b] as if they were nothing more than a stepping stone irked her rather a lot. Oh she wasn’t very good friends with any of them, as a Scav you learned quickly not to get too attached f you wanted to survive but even still she was loyal to these people who risked their lives every time they took a step outside the wall usually for scraps, parts and trinkets that other people were too fucking scared of to go get for themselves. So as not to indulge the urge to smash her glass bottle and ram it into Mina’s face to teach the bitch a little humility she leaned back in her chair, closed her eyes and took a deep and slow breath. When she was finished talking at –she certainly wasn’t talking too anyone the way she was speaking- them and it had gone quiet Eve lifted her head and opened her eyes to feel a new flood of anger wash over her. Apparently they weren’t even good enough company to sit around with after and they certainly didn’t deserve to voice their opinions or their own ideas. Gripping the bottle rather tightly as she watched Mina strut off as if she was a damn Princess she heard rather than felt the glass break, with Mina out of sight she glanced to the broken bottle and brushed aside the shards, “What a fucking bitch.” She breathed beneath her breath, checking her hand for cuts which, unsurprisingly, was absolutely fine. “Talking about [b]my[/b] crew like we’re nothing better than greys?” She sighed and stood from the table, “I need another drink.” Shaking her head she walked over to the bar and waited for the bar tender before addressing him, “Something strong.” The tender nodded and slid her another bottle, different from the first, filled with something rather clear and he eagerly took her token. As she took a mouthful she idly wondered if they even bothered trying to hide the anti-freeze they slipped into the moonshine but decided that she honestly didn’t give a shit. It tasted like gasoline sure but it was liable to keep people like Mina from dying tonight so it was going to do the job fine. Turning back to the table she wouldn’t be utterly surprised if it was empty, people who had little to do with one another usually rarely bothered to mingle until the alcohol got flowing and these lot, aside Cristi maybe, didn’t seem the sort to want to mingle until [b]a lot[/b] of booze was involved. Of course she hoped they hadn’t buzzed off, it would look rather suspicious if as soon as the blonde left everyone else had run off, people here were dense but not dense enough not to spot such suspicious behaviour. Even a moron knew better than that, of course, she wasn’t really sure what she was dealing with here. Oh she knew people’s names, roughly what they did but she hardly bothered with most of them, hell she probably wouldn’t have bothered with Cristi either if he hadn’t made a point of trying to talk to her before. At first she’d put it down to him wanting to fuck her, that’s how it usually went at these things but when he was shut down he’d just laughed it off and spouted more philosophical nonsense. Returning to the table she spared no manners this time and kicked her feet up onto the table top, crossing her legs at the ankles and glancing to her left where, she hoped, Cristi would still be, briefly she waggled her brows before taking another mouthful of the lighter fluid flavoured beverage. When she thought her indignation had died enough to make the words coming from her mouth somewhat comprehensible and not peppered with swearing she finally asked, “So….what do we all think?”