Finished~! :D Let me know if anything needs changing. [center] [img=] [ Katherina Ady | 20 | Female ] [/center] [b]Codename: [/b]Citrine  [b]Power:[/b] [i]--Causality Vision:[/i] "The ability to perceive and understand all cause and effect relations." ~SuperpowerWiki. The user is able to see several steps into alternate futures depending on what actions are taken. They are able to know what's goings to take place seconds before it happens, and can take the best course of action since they already know all the effects of a cause. In combat Citrine can adapt to all variables before they even appear. This makes her ability in a fight almost flawless since her efficiency in offense, defense and strategy is at its highest level. If there is slightest chance for success, she can make the correct steps to get there.  Citrine's vision is constantly filled with translucent golden paths/shapes that objects and people in real-time eventually catch up to. She takes great satisfaction in knowing what will happen, and what could have happened in the next twenty seconds. She likes to think the other possibilities she sees happen in parallel universes.  Limits: Citrine's ability is vision-only. A blindfold would nullify it. She can constantly see up twenty seconds ahead of her of all possibilities, but nothing more and nothing less. She certainly can't predict the future, and she can't manipulate luck. If there is zero chance for the desired effect to happen, then she won't get it. [i]--Empathy:[/i] The ability to sense emotions and temperament within other people or animals. In Citrine's case, not only can she feel these things, she knows the exact location this emotional broadcasting is coming from, and she can pinpoint living emotions around her like dots on a radar.  Due to her curiosity, Citrine tends to turn this ability on and off repeatedly to 'read' one person here, one person there. That way it doesn't take up too much energy. In combat she'll try to have this ability on high for the most part as its excellent for pin-pointing locations of enemies. Limits: She can sense only as long is she's aware. It takes energy to to be so emotionally receptive to feeling those around her, so she can turn it off at will (by not thinking about it.) She can keep it up for hours if she wants, but the mental downswing after can be quite the headache. The radius of how far she can feel can be anywhere between 10 to 32 feet.  [b]Personality:[/b] She likes cat videos. If you were that kind of person she'd give you that wink, as if she knew you were in on the guilty pleasure too. Citrine's personality flows like water, always in harmony with conversation. Her disposition is naturally good-natured, and she's often charming with a hint of humor. She's a curious old soul who enjoys talking about her ex-con adventures, and jokes she'd get back into the biz in a heartbeat. Her ability to see cause and effects has increased her tendency to ponder, and she enjoys sharing her ideas. She's incredibly open-minded. Although she shows genuine emotion, she does not attach herself to people, likely an old habit from conning. Sometimes her own apathy worries her.  [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] Her speech and persuasive skills are very enchanting, and she knows how to read a person's body language. Her powers compliment these as she uses them to be confident of her situation at all times. She's curious, she picks up on things quickly and considers her eyes her largest asset. She can pinpoint the location of emotions in people around her.  Becoming a slight insomniac after the Procedure, Citrine has a developing fear of closing her eyes at night. Sometimes she struggles for hours trying to fall asleep, and is occasionally sleep-deprived. Her distaste of Obsidian collars currently edges on a quiet fear, even though she's never worn one. She's also consistently aware of the microchip kill switch floating around inside her veins, and she stresses on her clashing philosophies with giving someone the remote to extinguishing her life.  [b]History:[/b] Growing up into a family of con artists, it was encouraged of her at a young age to be perceptive of people. Her father said it wasn't what came out of their mouth, but what their eyes, their hands, and everything non-verbal said. That was the stuff you had to see in order to gain your target's trust.  As she gained experience and grew up some, her morals began conflicting with the business. She knew what their family did was wrong, but it was the one thing that brought them together and she considered them too important to leave. So, over time she started ignoring that nag inside her, until it was no longer there and she could clinically detach herself from her target.  Several years ago Citrine and her brother devised a glorious plan that scammed hundreds of people out their investments in a phony marketing business. But after they withdrew the millions of dollars and drove to a safe house, Citrine found herself at gunpoint.  [b]"I won't kill you," [/b]said her brother. [b]"But consider this the end of our dealings. Put your share down slowly, and walk away."[/b] Hurt with feelings of betrayal, Citrine left. The money didn't mean much to her, but family did. At that point in her life she wasn't in contact with her father, mother, and now her greedy brother didn't want anything to do with her. He even took it a step further and pointed the police in her direction in an effort to get them off his back.  Ever since then she's been on the run, doing little street cons here and there to pay for cheap rent. That's around the time the Recruiters approached her. She didn't like the agreement, but she had no direction in her life and thought, [i]"What the hell. Might be fun."[/I] [b]Other:[/b] Her weapon of choice is a sword and a glock, at least most of the time. She picked up on the training quickly once she had her eyes.  It's due to her golden-laced vision that she chose the codename Citrine, (and the fact Citrine's a quartz.) The sudden beauty of seeing more around her in such an artful way really stuck with her. Citrine doesn't believe she she could ever give this ability up, and just thinking about seeing in plain, unyielding vision again gives her the chills.