[u][i]Shannon Jacqueline Balore & Deborah Lillian Termellio.[/i][/u] [i]Ahhh... Another secret meeting.[/i] Shannon thought to herself in bliss as she sat on the couch with her one love, Deborah. They both were in Shannon's dorm room, since she got rid of her annoying room mate for a little while, watching some movies that she had in her room. The movie they're watching right now was an old time favorite, Disney's The Lion King. Easily the best animated movie to ever come out of that jew-hating company! The moment was all snug, just the way Shannon loved it. They were watching the finale, when Simba defeats Scar. Deborah loved the moment as well. She was quick to get peck Shannon on the cheeks. The affectionate display was unexpected... but appreciated. This was because Deborah knew she could do stuff like this in places like Shannon's dorm room, and not in front of the track team. However, the moment came to a close when Deborah's cell phone buzzed, receiving a text from a friend. "Let me get that, hun..." She softly said. [i]OMG, OMG, deebs, there's a murder cene outside com quik[/i] Umm... To say the least, this text message prompted a bit of worry. "What...?" She asked herself. Her friend's spelling was vague... But Deborah understood every bit of this. That really ruined the mood that she had. "Um... Shannon... Someone's dead on camp-" "What?" Shannon replied at lightning fast speeds. Nearly jumping off the sofa. The romantic moment was completely evaporated by this revelation. "... I don't know... I just got a text saying this." Deborah was extremely awkward right now. She was about to start biting her fingers. There was one thing on her mind that she was unsure of, so she just blurted it out, "I wanna go check it out. Not do anything stupid... Just look." "C'mon, then, we'll go to-" Shannon was cut off by Deborah. "Wait, no!" Deborah wasn't going to be seen walking out of Shannon's dorm room holding hands. There were already rumors around the university about their relationship. She didn't want to spend too much time around this girl and support those claims. "I can go by myself. Just wait here for a moment or two." She rushed out the room again. This left Shannon soooo hurt inside. She laid down on the couch, belly in the air, playing with her thumbs as Deborah left. She [i]'had'[/i] to wait a few minutes so it doesn't look like she was leaving with Deborah. She rolled her eyes. It was almost like the damn girl was ashamed of her! Either way, Shannon was going to get dressed up. It wasn't long before the two girls arrived at the crime scene with their own reactions. "Oh my god..." Deborah said to herself as she stepped into the crowd, she was scared pissless, hoping she wouldn't be walking into something that would haunt her dreams for ages. Fortunately, once she pierced through the crowd, they had already cleaned up the mess and was carting the body away. She let out a sigh of relief because she wouldn't have to see a dead body. But another brand of fear crept up her spine after realizing that there may be a [i]serial killer[/i] here. In the school? Oh god, what if she, or Shannon is next? Wait, wait, wait, she's being [i]paranoid[/i]. Deborah took some time to consider that this could be an isolated incident, and they're all safe. Yes... Maybe this girl has been sleeping around with the wrong guy, and this is retaliation? The more Deborah tried to convince herself otherwise, the more grave the scene got. [i]Hm. Police aren't carting away a suspect... I believe we may have a murder mystery on campus.[/i] Shannon put her hand on her chin, holding her jawline. Looking quite intently. Someone killed this girl, and are still on the loose. There's detectives. While this could be a one-time thing, there's still a dead body out there, and there's a murderer. Shannon felt like she should play the role of the [i]detective[/i] in this mystery. While there were actual detectives she who's toes she would prefer not to step on, she felt like she could get information without a big foreboding officer of the law looming over with the threat of jail time. To get started: there were so many questions here. Who was the dead girl? How was she killed? [i]Who killed her???[/i] Of course, that's what she was going to find out.