[quote=CorruptedShadow] To be honest, I believe he should have some more time...death IS a serious matter. [/quote] As Kurai stated multiple times, the matter has been turned over to Wayward who would probably be fine with his delay in posting. [quote=Double] You know what, I'm done with you people. I'm sorry if the suffering and death of my dearly departed grandmother inconveniences you and you're stupid little game, but my life comes first, so good luck and goodbye. [/quote] I don't think you read anything of what we said, or at least you did and you're picking out parts to twist around. No one stated that the death of your grandmother isn't as important as posting. No one said it inconvenienced us. All we said was that the timeline of events seemed sketchy; since we're just people reading what you're saying over the internet without really knowing what's going on in real life, we're just making assumptions based on how we're seeing them. You [i]did[/i] have plenty of time before this actual death of your family member to post--you can't deny that. On top of that, you have found time to come online to make posts in the OOC while you could have thrown together a quick paragraph of a post so others could post. Yet, instead of trying to explain yourself, you're getting angry, stomping your feet and leaving. That's not a good look. As I said to CS, as Kurai stated [i]multiple[/i] times, [b]you're not even getting kicked from the RP if you didn't post yet.[/b] The Light side was completely given to Wayward, so it's now on him as to how he will handle the situation. You're getting defensive for no reason and there's no need to throw a fit. However, if you want to take your leave here because of Kurai and I expressing our thoughts as fellow players in this RP (as everyone should be entitled to), then by all means.