"Yes Kahl is my name...I'm am unsure of the next location...I'm never told these things." He sighed. Maybe his revenge wasn't gonna happen. He began to rub his hands together. "Maybe if we follow him? Wouldn't be hard. Ambush him." Kahl paced back and forth. Not sure of what to do. He thought the Argonian would have it all planned out. He toyed the with the knives on his arms. "Maybe if we sneak on board? In crates?" Kahl wasn't sure if that would work. Maybe it would be best go after another ship. He kicked a rock as he walked by it, it sailed into the air and bounced as it hit the ground. He was quit anxious to kill his former captian. But he knew it wasn't going to easy and her word was final. The argonian did not seem like someone he wanted to argue with. He sighed. "I'm not sure what we should do."