Jupiter listened to his rant this time, much more placidly than he had before. He wasn't getting yelled at with a tiny noise this time, so everything was alright in his book. And the story of the origins of his companion's name were interesting enough. Of course then things turned back around and they were back to lambasting him, this time apparently because he was just too nice in accepting nicknames. And here he thought he was being helpful in not requireing people to pronounce his name. "Fine." Jupiter brought down one of his awkward forelimbs to right in front of Iral's face. "Do not move too much please. If you were not handcuffed, you could do this yourself. But seeing as you are..." He carefully poked his large claw into the device behind Iral's ear, and after a few seconds managed to press the off button on it. The green light died away with the almost-unnoticeable hissing that the device had been feeding Iral's ear, and Jupiter cleared his throat. It's amazing the variety of sound that such a creature can make. One moment he was rivalling the noise of a warp drive, and then here he was, warbling away some hauntingly siren-like sound which he accompanied with strange tinkling noises from his whale-like teeth. The sound melodiously floated along until he let it fade away, and then he poked around at the translator for a few more moments and managed to turn it back on. "That was my name. It is a phrase from an ancient song. While it is pleasant to hear, to hear others mangle it is not only an insult to my hearing, but also to my culture. I would rather you just use words that we can both understand."