Now caught up to the guards, Samsul continued his pace while the others spurred their horses again, keeping up with the Lost Elf who could easily speed past them at full speed on his horse. He knew that something would be planned tonight in celebration of the arrival of the princess, but that was all of the Queen's doing, and not his. It may have been a party of sorts, or possibly a feast, but Samsul was only focused on reconstructing the cities that they lost during the war and reclaiming the peace that they once had all throughout the country. The young woman who held on to him wouldn't be doing all of this by herself, she would have royal advisers that were different than the men and woman training her to be a proper Queen. They could only suggest things to her, while her trainers and teachers give her orders and she would be to follow the proper way to do things. It was all a waste of time to him, but as much as he wanted to say something he had no place to. He was simply a guard, and although royal in his own right, he wasn't the king. The ride back to the capital had taken a lot of the day, and Samsul was thankful for the peace that they had now because if he were to have ran in to any trouble along the way he wouldn't have made it back to the capital in time. Him and the two hybrid guards were seen from one of the watch towers and the gates that led in to the capital were opened, allowing all three of them to rush in to the city that held this country together. They slowed their horses down quite a lot as the horses reached the more populated areas of the capital, looking at the three men with confusion and curiosity as to why they had brought back a young woman with them from their travels. Samsul was a respectable man and wasn't ever one to bring back woman, despite them falling over for him because of his race and looks. He only cared to protect the royals, and he had no need or worry about his own safety or cares. His visions were to serve the capital of GreenSpring. The young Lost Elf turn his head to look not only at the sun that had just touched the horizon, but also the woman who rested on his back. "We will be at the castle shortly, the Queen might be a little emotional, but only because she hasn't seen you in so many years."