-Laciel- Laciel watched as one of the men bellowed orders to the others, and quickly identified him as the leader. He would go for him first after cutting through the ruffians, but another character soon quickly appeared. He looked to be a mercenary like him, except he didn't look as confident to fight. "(Damnit, why did you do that if you're scared out of your wits?)" The man waited for the first grunt to make his swing, but before he could execute his plan, he watched as the Chonsinese maiden fire an arrow in the hand the man was using the axe with. "Seems like trying to resolve this conflict without anyone being killed is put of the window." Before the man had anytime to curse in pain, Laciel cut at the man's chest, ripping it straight open. "... What a pity..." As soon as he finished off the first one, he watched as the second roared as he began preparing to cut the merc in half. However he read the man's move easily, and could read his movements from a while away. He deftly sidestep the man's chop, and sliced at the man's main arm. He watched as he screamed in pain as the axe flew, almost cutting the third thug. He quickly kicked the man down, before dancing around the third thugs swings. "You six ruffians are nothing but imbeciles, throwing your weight around, hoping for a hit... And you have a spineless leader who orders you around, while standing around like a moron, hoping for the best," Laciel shouts, hoping to draw the remaining thugs to him. He got part of his arm nicked by the axe, but it was just a small cut that could easily be tended to. Laciel ignored the sting on his arm, and continued to taunt the men, deftly dodging the doofus swinging his axe around. "Hey boy," he shouted to the other merc. "If you're going to fight, don't show the fear in your eyes... I believe you should easily be able to take out those assailants if you just focus." Laciel was still dancing around the man, as if he was toying with him. He finally backed into a building, and watched as the man raised his axe in the air, smugly looking at Laciel. He knew what his next response was and quickly dashed to the side, and prepared to slice the man in the stomach. Before he knew it, the man staggered back, holding an arm to his stomach, with some crimson trickling down. "I hate people like you... Hurting people to get your way, just like a sniveling brat... Just sad." He turned his head towards the leader, and pointed his blade at the man. Blood dripped off the tip of the blade, forming a small puddle. He awaited the leaders next move, and kept an eye on the other merc. He didn't know his skill level, or how well he could move. All he knew was that he would come to help him if he couldn't successfully defend himself. Gran/Vass Gran grinned mentally as Vincent shot a stinging truth to the tactician. It wasn't a smart idea to strengthen them in the assassins mind, but he knew the inevitable reality. Unless they were dealt with, they could grow into a full fledged threat. Gran was also smiling in his head at the fact about snakes in the group. They had foolishly let one into their group without their knowledge, making infiltration a lot easier than usual. All he just needed now was for the tactician to return the letter, via Vass' s hawk named Ragmi. He often sent reports through his hawk to avoid any suspicion among the group. "I guess I will take my leave too, If you need me I'll be somewhere." The mage waved to the two, smiling at them both. He then began venturing down the streets of the unfamiliar city, searching for a butchery, or a market. He took a look at the people and sometimes gave them a nod or a smile, upholding his little facade.