Lune took his eyes off the wyvern, shaking his head slightly as he slowly moved with the people in the streets. He couldn't help but be afraid of the creatures. They had potential to be dangerous, even if they were tamed. Shaking his head, the thought of defending himself arose. Instinctively he reached towards his waist, but, he had no weapons on him. It'd been awhile since he'd even held a sword, really... Luckily, he'd managed to avoid conflict for the past few months. Upon leaving the clan of bandits, life had been simple, although, a little less interesting. Lune was perfectly fine with less interesting however, he was without a weapon to use. [b]"I should look to buy a sword,"[/b] Lune mumbled to himself, stepping up on his toes as his eyes narrowed, scanning the streets. He wasn't too familiar with the roads of Ylisstol, but, he was pretty sure a city this large would have a blacksmith. Spotting the store far down the road he was on, he hurried along, swimming through the sea of citizens. Lune arrived at the front door of the smith, looking up at the sign that was proudly displayed before entering the store. Having a quick look around, he noted the various weapons on display as well as a man hard at work past a room. He could probably snatch a few with ease. Lune shook the thought out of his head. No, no, that wouldn't even be logical. There was no way he could hide away something like a lance and not be pointed out by someone on the road. Besides, he was supposed to be a lawful person now. Once Lune found a Bronze Sword, he observed the price, wincing slightly. It was fairly high, considering that it was a weapon. It made the price of the bread from earlier look like nothing. Lune was really considering thieving this one until the blacksmith came out from his room, crossing his arms and nodding his head as he spotted Lune. Lune nodded at him, removing the Bronze Sword from the rack and approaching him. [b]"350 gold coins, correct?"[/b] Lune asked, sifting through his pockets before finding a couple of small bags. He dumped all of his coins into one bag, making sure he had the total correct. He had severely cut down his funds - the money he had from his parents was quickly declining due to him abandoning his life of crime. The blacksmith nodded, and business was made; he had obtained his new weapon. With a smirk, he slid the sword into his empty scabbard, enjoying the familiar weight at his side. He'd love to see someone call him a thief now. With no business left in the shop, Lune stepped out, being greeted by the roads of Ylisstol again. He looked around, observing the people. [b]"I suppose the day is a little better. I have a new toy,"[/b]