Sharee shouldn't have expected Kahl to have any real useful information, being that he was a slave. Still, it didn't hurt to ask. They at least had a few options and a reasonable amount of information. When Serge showed up, she noticed their group was growing a bit large to be inconspicuous, so she decided it would be best to continue this conversation somewhere less public. "Yes, we have." Sharee answered to Serge. "Come on, let's get back to the ship to discuss this further." She ordered, motioning the others to follow her. It was getting late, so it would be time to retire for the night soon enough...after carrying out Noelle's punishment, of course. She was going to make sure the entire crew was there to observe that. It would serve as a good warning to those who were thinking about crossing her, which was really the biggest reason she wanted to do it in the first place. Sharee didn't actually care that much about what Noelle did. If anything, her actions had motivated her to research countermeasures to mental manipulation. As they walked, Sharee ruminated about the options they had. By Noelle's report, the Miriam had quite a lot of skooma and would be a profitable target, albeit a dangerous one. She knew well the state of her ship and how few resources they had for proper armor and weapons. Malakaus and Sarel would do whatever they could for the vessel, but they only had so many resources to work with. Sharee was definitely overconfident in her abilities, but she wasn't stupid, and more importantly, she trusted no one. In her eyes, her crew could easily fail her, so she wanted to play it safe for now. The other vessel, the one owned by Kahl's old master, might not contain as much skooma, but they stood a better chance of taking it. Plus, the boy was enthusiastic about taking on his master. She doubted he could be of much help in a fight, but in her mind, she had a few ideas of how he might be useful. By the time they made it back on the deck of their ship, she had a rough idea in mind of something they could do, something that would involve both the Miriam, and the other ship. Walking across the deck with the others behind her, she approached the railing and leaned onto it, looking out over the harbor. "So, we have two ships we know of that have skooma, the Miriam, and the one owned by Kahl's old master. The way I see it, the Miriam is too hard of a target to hit just yet, but that doesn't mean we can't use it. I have an idea, an opportunity we can exploit. I just have two questions. One, Noelle, do you know if the Miriam has already loaded all of its skooma, or do you think they are going to get any more? Two, what do you think would happen if you went back to your master, Kahl?"