Malakaus was ordering his crew around the ship, his focus at the time being the creation of additional balista bolts, as well as a few harpoons. They were no whaling ship, but in the event that something like a dragon showed up, it would be well worth scavenging it's skeleton. If it doesn't destroy the ship and the crew first. However, he began to notice a sudden shift in workers; he had less. Wondering what was going on he went topside to see that Sarel had returned and was working on the ship now. Malakaus looked over what supplies were brought and guessed that they still had some things missing, though Malakaus got most of what he wanted done. Their armory was well stocked with harpoons and balista bolts, and while the ship needed repairs, he did what he could to keep it armored and mobile. Now all that was needed done was the full reconstruction, which he'll let Sarel handle now that he's here. He also noticed the captain returning to the ship with most everyone else in tow, including two new khajit faces. [b]"Captain hire hew hands?"[/b] Malakaus asked mostly himself. He walked over to the captain to see if she needed anything. That's when he heard her ask Noelle about the situation with the Miriam. Malakaus shot a nasty glare at the breton woman. [i]"So that's her game. Use me to get on the captain's good side huh? Make herself look like she's done some work by taking mines..."[/i] Malakaus didn't say anything about it. He walked past the captain, catching her attention for a brief moment. [b]"Captain, I'm heading back to the town to pick up more materials. I finished most of my repairs, but I think we're waiting on more supplies now. I shouldn't take too long."[/b] That was partly a lie; he was just going to go find some more of the crew and have them hurry up. He himself decided that now he wanted to look around the city some more. Getting onto dry land the first thing Malakaus thought to do was hit up another skooma den. But when he reached for his coin purse, he discovered the horrible truth; he was broke. Most of his money was spent on getting the materials for the ship, though it didn't help that he also spent some coin on over-priced skooma in that high elf district. Didn't even get to enjoy the full high before Noelle drugged him. The orc sighed. [b]"Maybe I can get myself into a brawl, earn a couple of coins betting in a fight... But I need coins for that. Coins I don't have. Damn. I think I might have something I could pawn- Whoa!"[/b] As Malakaus was grumbling to himself, he nearly ran into a woman in the street. He had been so distracted by his own thoughts and new ways to make some quick coin that he didn't notice her. He did, however, notice something that caught his eyes. First, the woman was a dunmer. He didn't expect to see many of them out here, but maybe she was a traveler. Second was her book. [b]"Huh. A book. Mind if I ask what it's about?"[/b]