"No, the Miriam only arrived shortly before us. The captain and most of his crew left shortly after, likely to obtain their goods. They use a new ship to smuggling their skooma out for each trip, so I would think they haven't begun to load their cargo yet. Do you...?" Noelle didn't finish her sentence but she wanted to ask Sharee if she was going to have them try to intercept the cargo before it got to sea. The only benefit Noelle could see form that is that they would not have to pit their ship against the Miriam. And that's about it; they'd still need to find a way to subtly steal that skooma if they simply weren't going to kill the crew and take it from themselves. But that was a lot of bodies to hide. And if there was any survivors, some is going to want to know what happened to the crew of the Miriam. No, Noelle wasn't going to make any assumptions. Instead she tried to think of something else that Sharee may want to know about the ship. Than a thought occurred to her. "Captain, perhaps instead of trying to take the skooma from the Miriam, we find where they obtain their skooma? I don't mean simply a den either; someone has to be refining and producing skooma here in Khenarthi's Roost for the smugglers to take. What if... What if you and I go and convince the producer into letting us in on their business?"